\”You want to participate in the war?\” ,Bill said excitedly, \”That's great! Even though you people's number is not high, something is better than nothing right?\”

The crowd also lowered their hostility a little after hearing Arjun's statement. They looked at Arjun and his group in a new light.

Andrew said, \”But we don't have any good commander. As for our army, it is still shallow in numbers. Right now we need a good General! A General who could understand and lead the army!\”

\”That's right!\” ,Daniel said, \”We need a good General who has very good battle sense!\”

\”Hey! I think we should discuss all this in private!\” ,Rick dimmed down his voice and said, \”Who knows! We might have an enemy among the crowd who is listening our conversation!\”

\”That's right!\” ,Bill said, \”Let's go in first! We will discuss things later.\”

Bill then looked at the crowd and said, \”All of you! Please go back home. As for the new temporary government body, we will discuss and announce it. Until then, I hope that everyone keep your heart strong and pray for the quick recovery of the City Lord and others.\”

Bill said everything he can and walked into the City Lord Manor. As for Crowd's decision, that is in their hands. He can't influence their minds and make them go back. And honestly, he had no time to control them either. He is busy with the upcoming war! And their opponent is not just one organisation. Who knows how many other City Lords are eying their city right now? So he had to make preparations. Even though they don't have enough army, they don't want to lose hope.

Arjun followed the six Pavilion Lords into the City Lord Manor. Arjun was familiar with the City Lord Manor. Aftert all, they infiltrated the City Lord Manor not long ago. So under the guidance of the six Pavilion Lords, they finally reached the meeting hall.

After settling down on their chairs, Bill started the conversation, \”Guys! I am not going to waste the time. We might have conflicts among ourselves. But today we need to stay united.\”

\”I agree.\” , One after the other, they all agreed with the terms. As the Pavilion Lords, they had a lot of conflicts among themselves. But during the times of war, they all stay united in the past. As for the reason behind the conflicts, it was simple. It was because of the business. If one Pavilion makes a huge profit in their business, then it would attract the jealousy from other Pavilions. And this jealousy would lead to the conflicts.

They shout, fight among themselves, they infiltrate other pavilions. They do whatever they can in order to either make profit for teir pavilions. Or to destroy the prosperity of other Pavilions. But no matter what kind of conflicts they had outside, during the wartimes, they would always stay united. And today, their union needs to be even more strong.

\”That's right!\” , Creamer said in hatred, \”When City Lord was alright, they displayed their false courage as if they were the best warriors in the Universe! And when the situation is bad, they all retreated like cats! A bunch of cowards!\”

Fidel sighed and said, \”Even Groundbreaker Pavilion left us! They call themselves number one Pavilion under City Lord! They had a huge army under their command. And yet when the difficult time appeared, they ran away by holding their tail!\”

\”It's because they were certain in their heart that we will lose.\” ,Daniel said, \”They had such a huge army, and yet they don't have the courage to fight in the battles.\”

Bill sighed and said, \”With the retreat from these cowards, our 40% army has furthur decreased to 20%! This is a huge loss. Even though all of us has the ability to command our warriors in our Pavilion, but that is limited only within our Pavilion members. None of us has the skills of a General who has the ability to see the situation with broad eyes and make decisions.\”