Arjun was in a disadvantageous situation here. There was no doubt about it. But if there exists any favourable situation for him is, there is one spell that can greatly help Arjun.


That's right! Portals. Portals can transfer a person or anything from one place to another instantly.

Arjun used the Time element on his right hand. He further ignited the Space Element his left hand. He combined the two elements into one. A portal formed.

Arjun ignited the Portal of Destination on top of the City Lord Manor. He ignited the Portal of Source near to them. Using the Portal of Source they passed through the Portal of Destination. And as for the Portal of Destination, it was none other than the rooftop of the City Lord Manor.

And just like that, they reached their first destination in the City Lord Manor. Arjun then looked at the guards who were guarding the City Lord Manor. He concealed even his breathing in order not to make any voice. Of course, Rick did it as well.

Arjun and Rick started to walk towards the entrance that will lead to the fourth floor. They stayed patient and dodged all the possible vigilance from the guards. They even removed their shoes in order not to make any noise.

After reaching entrance, they stopped there. Because the entrance has some traps installed. If they were careless and walked through the entrance, then the hidden trap would trigger and both of them would be dead even before they knew what was going on.

Arjun learned about all the possible traps through the Stardust Spying Insects this afternoon. So he was prepared well beforehand. And as for the formation using which they formed the hidden traps, Arjun studied it. And it didn't take even ten minutes to understand the formation. With the accumulated knowledge from the City of Light, Arjun was able to comprehend the formation even without using the Unique Dao of Comprehension!

Arjun could simply use the Portal to pass through the hidden trap. But he didn't. In fact, he couldn't. Because the Portal was created using the Natural Elements of Time and Space which makes it an ordinary portal.

As an ordinary portal, Arjun knew that he might be able to create the Portals. But it is just an ordinary portal. And ordinary portals that was created using the ten natural elements has it's plenty of limitations. And unable to create ordinary portals through formation is one of them.

This is the huge limitation it has. If Arjun wants to have the privilege for his portals to breach the hidden traps, protecting formation or any other things, then he at least should have the Dao of Portal!

Arjun gave up thinking about it temporarily. He looked at the door which was designed with the hidden traps. He easily undid the hidden trap mechanism. After the door opened silently, both of them entered the door and immediately and noiselessly shut it down. Arjun then constructed the formation once again with the same previous formula. It was obviously in order not to raise any trouble or traps.