Molane looked at Arjun and said to Lance, ” Lance! He is just a kid. Why are you giving much importance to him?”

Lance said, ” No. Don't underestimate him. When I learned that my people were killed by him, I didn't bother too much about it. Because I felt that he is just a kid. I can use my vast wisdom to take care of him. But I was wrong. The pain this young man brought me is very big. Give him the worst death that you can give. This is my request.”

”Fine.” , Molane said, ” Since this is your wish, I will make it true.

Molane looked at Arjun with his cold gaze. Arjun stayed at high alert. He could say that Molane cultivation level is much higher than his own. It will be very tough to deal with him. So he focused all his attention on Molane.

At that time Princess Shayana cried and said, ” No! He has nothing to do with this. Let him go.”

Lance said, ” Oh Sister, It's better if you think about your own self first. Stop bothering about him. My friend will definitely take care of him.”

Princess Shayana was nervous. All she wanted to do was kill Lance for his sinister mind. But Arjun who rescued them was pulled in by her. She felt really guilty about it.

Arjun looked at Princess Shayana's regretful face and said, ” It's alright. It's just one mere dragon. If will be tough to deal with him. But it's not impossible to defeat him. Be at ease and concentrate on Lance.”

Molane narrowed his eyes. He said, ” just one mere dragon? Hahahaha! Lance! You were right. This kid is really arrogant. Now I had every reason to kill you.”

While Molane was saying, he flipped his hand. A dark energy came out of his hand and flew towards Arjun at an unimaginable speed.

Arjun was stunned. That speed was way too fast. He immediately opened a portal and escaped to a safe zone. The dark energy missed Arjun. But Weissur who was beside Arjun, couldn't make it. The Dark energy hit him before Weissur could process what was going on.

When the dark energy hit him, Weissur didn't even have the time to yell. He died before he knew what was going on. A whit energy came out of Weissur's dead body and floated in the air. Molane grabbed the white light and devoured it.

Molane said, ” Damn it! The soul of an old fart like his definitely never taste good.”


When Princess Shayana heard that, she was stunned. She felt a bit scared too. At the beginning she was happy that Arjun somehow escaped. But when she heard that Molane could devour the souls, she was a bit scared.

As for Arjun, he thanked lady luck who allowed him to escape at the right time. Or else he would have been involved in that attack.

[That dark energy is damn too quick.]

[I need to stay on even more high alert.]

Molane suddenly flew at a top speed towards Arjun. Arjun was prepared for anything. He applied light Light element on his legs and ran very quickly. Molane followed him very closely.

He said, ” How long do you think you can run, Human!”

Arjun didn't bother about his taunting. He kept on running as fast as he can. At that time Molane once again manifested the Light element on his hand and threw it in Arjun's direction.

Arjun sensed the Dark energy and used a portal to escape.

Molane smiled. He was waiting for this. When Arjun opened the portal, Molane could sense two energy ripples in two different directions. One was near Arjun. And the other one was behind Molane himself. Molane could tell that the space ripple that he felt from Arjun's direction was the portal of source. Then it was easy to deduce that the space ripple which he felt behind him is the portal of destination.