The Fifth elder said in anger, ” You... Do you know the consequences for your actions?”
Arjun smiled and asked, ” Oh? I don't know. Please enlighten me.”
The fifth elder gritted his teeth and said, ” Death! Those seven executioners are the core disciples of the pavilion Lord. You killed all of them. When pavilion Lord returns, death is the only thing that awaits you.”
Arjun said, ” Death? So let me ask you a question. What would have been my situation if I didn't do anything?”
The fifth elder was stunned. But what Arjun said was true. If Arjun didn't fight back, then the seven executioners would have killed Arjun. What Arjun did is just an act of self defence.
Arjun said, ” I'm not a member of your petty pavilion. But you are an elder. Those so called seven executioners died when they were in your care. When your pavilion Lord comes back and learn the truth, then the person who would be in biggest trouble would be none other than you. So it's better if you come to the reality and think about your own future.”
The fifth elder was stunned. But he cannot deny the truth. Once pavilion lord is back, then the first person he is going to kill for the death of his disciples is him. Forget about what will happen to Arjun. He didn't want to die like this. After a long struggle and hard work, he became an elder of the number one pavilion in the city. He has high ambitions for his future. He don't know to die just like that. He looked at Arjun with a grudgeful eyes.
Arjun said, ” Now give my money as you promised. I'll forget everything and leave this place quietly.”
The fifth elder said angrily, ” Leave this place quietly? In your dreams.”
Arjun said, ” So you have no intentions to give my money?”
”No.” , The fifth elder said, ” Do whatever you want.”
”Pretty well.” , Arjun said, ” Then don't blame me for what I'm going to do.”
Arjun lifts his hands in the air. Immediately a big and massive fire dragon's diagram appeared in the sky which covered the entire Galaxy Pavilion.
Arjun said, ” FIREBALL RAIN!!!”
As soon as Arjun said that, The fire dragon's diagram in the sky started to glow with golden colour. Immediately the temperature in the Galaxy Pavilion started to rise. Sweat started to pour down from the bodies of all the people in the pavilion.
The people outside the main hall who were busy with selling and buying the products of the Galaxy Pavilion were stunned when they looked at the glowing fire dragon's diagram.