Arjun asked, ” Why? How could it help me?”
Magmeel said, ” If you become an emperor, then you will face different situations. Different people come for your aid with different requests. In future when you will do my work which I asked you back then, the experience of being an emperor will be a great help for you. It will enhance your judgement skills. It will help you to survive in the God Realm in the future. I can't be with you all the time in the God Realm. I have my own responsibilities to look after. So you both are going to survive out there on your own.”
Rick said, ” But what will happen to the empire when we leave the Life Realm?”
Magmeel said, ” Sitaram will look after it. Why would you worry so much?”
Rick said, ” But Grandpa Sitaram has no intension to look after the empire.”
Sitaram said, ” It's all right. I'll look after the empire in your absence. If it benefits you kids in any way, then I'll do anything. So don't worry.”
Magmeel said, ” But tell me. Why are you hesitating to ascend so much? What is exactly bothering you?”
Arjun told everything that he told Rick after leaving the Adventures Association. Magmeel who heard it sighed.
Magmeel said, ” That's not at all a problem. You are right. The truth will eventually come out. The war will be imminent. All right. As your teacher, this will be my first assignment for you. Will you do it?”
Arjun said, ” Of Course! I'll definitely do it.”
Magmeel said, ” Your assignment is to unite the world. I want you to unite the world. I want you to destroy all other empires. Then there will be only one empire in the world. If there is only one empire, then that means the entire world will walk on one rule. If the world will walk on one rule, then there will be no wars in the future. If there is no war, then there will be only peace in the world.”
Arjun and others were stunned. They know that this assignment is really very insanely tough. But if Arjun could pull it, then the outcome would be as Magmeel said. They want to know what Arjun would say. When they looked at Arjun, they found that Arjun was very calm. He wasn't surprised at all.
Arjun said in confident tone, ” Alright! I'll do it.”
Magmeel took a deep breath and said, ” That's it. You need to follow these rules in your assignment. Do you understand?”
Everyone were stunned. They have only one thought running through their minds. This assignment will be even more tough, if Arjun has to follow these rules.
Arjun smiled and said, ” I accept it. I'll definitely do it. I like challenges.”
Rick said, ” Alright. Count me in. I'm excited too. It will definitely benefit us in terms of mental state and mental strength.”
Magmeel said, ” Awesome! You caught the bottom line of my assignment. But it will also help you in scheming, in perfect planning ability. It will also help you in how to act in different situations. In future when you enter the God Realm, I won't tell you even a single thing about it. you have to understand everything about God Realm on your own. you have to start everything in the God Realm on your own.”