The Guide Of The Fourth Door left the room. After some time it came back along with another construct.
The Guide Of The Fourth Door said, ” This construct is the weakest one among all of us. As I said earlier, you have to modify it's core, so that it could be stronger than the combat type constructs you two defeated earlier. So, are you two ready? You have one last chance if you wish to change your mind.”
Arjun said, ” No.We have no change of mind. We accept the challenge.”
The Guide Of The Fourth Door said, ” Alright! Please carry on then.”
The Guide Of The Fourth Door moved back and maintained some distance between it and Arjun and Rick.
Arjun said to that construct, ” Lie down on the ground. I'm going to extract your core. When I do that, you will lose your power source and fall down. You have to lie down so that we could avoid your fall.”
That weak construct did as it was told. It lied down on the ground. Arjun and Rick went near it and extracted it's core out of it's essence.
Arjun and Rick knew that their is nothing much they have to do. To be honest Arjun felt that this trial was even easier than the trial in the third door.
After extracting the core, Rick erased all the Runes that was written on the core previously. Without any runes on it, the core of that weak construct lost it's earlier glow.
Arjun used the Runic Language and wrote new runes on it's core. He enhanced it's speed, accuracy, storage capacity of the core, Output capacity of the laser beam, and also gave the ability to use external weapons like sword, spear, saber etc.
While Arjun was writing the runes, Rick was building up the connection between each and every runes. Building a connection between multiple runes is very tough and most sensitive part in Runic Language. If one could build a perfect connection between these multiple runes, then it will not lead to any malfunction in the future for those constructs. Or else it will lead to malfunction and the construct will stop working properly.
Rick was a basic level Runic inscriptor. He worked really very hard and achieved perfection in it. So he was able to build the connection successfully.
After completing everything, they cross checked from beginning to end. They wanted to know whether they have committed any mistake.
After ensuring that there were no mistakes, Arjun put back the core in the essence of the construct.
That construct started to glow once again. It stood up in a flash and stood right there.
Arjun said to The Guide Of The Fourth Door, ” It's done! Please check it.”
Arjun nodded his head and said, ” Alright! Please send this construct in.”
The Guide Of The Fourth Door opened the portal and sent that construct inside that pitch dark place.
Later those ten constructs from that dark place came and surrounded that construct.
But without wasting even a single second, that construct moved very fast and appeared in front of one of the ten constructs. It punched it which looked very simple. But that construct which received the fist, fell down and broken into different piecss.
The battle was over even before it started. Arjun's construct won within a second!.