Everyone watched Reynolds hesitation. They started to wonder whether Alwyn is still alive or dead.
Jimmy who is actually Arjun, started to laugh in his heart. Edward who is actually Rick was also enjoying.
Rick asked mentally, ” Boss! Shall I call Alwyn now or not?”
Arjun said mentally, ” No. Not yet. Let's toy with him for a while. Then you can call him.”
Rick said, ” Alright!”
Jimmy asked, ” What is the meaning of this silence, King Reynolds? Is he still alive or not?”
Reynolds felt as if he lost his weight. He knew that he is facing checkmate at the moment.
He sighed and said, ” I don't know. Last night prince Alwyn escaped from the prison. Someone helped him and took him away. I sent my guards to search for him.”
” WHAT?” , shouted Kiera in disbelief. Everyone were stunned too.
Kiera said, ” You liar! You said he is alright in the cell this morning! How come he escaped yesterday? Don't lie to me. Tell me the truth. You killed my brother too, am I right?”
Reynolds wanted to kill someone to vent his anger. He kept silence. He didn't say anything.
Rick said mentally, ” Boss! play with this Alfonso too! He also deserves some humiliation!”
Jimmy said, ” What would you say, prince Alfonso? You are awfully calm. You tell me. Where is prince Alwyn?”
Alfonso didn't know whether to laugh of cry. He thought for a moment and said, ” It's true Lord Jimmy! Alwyn escaped the prison last night and ran away!”
Jimmy asked, ” How did he ran away? Did he broke the prison cell? Or did he escaped by breaking the wall?”
Both Reynolds and Alfonso went speechless. They didn't know whether to laugh or cry! They were rubbing their heads. They don't know how to answer that question.
Alfonso said, ” That's actually a mystery! The walls were alright! The prison lock was fine. Everything in that prison cell was fine. But we don't know how he managed to escape!”
Jimmy laughed and said, ” So, you are saying that he disappeared in the thin air?”
Alfonso said, ” That's how it looks like. It was the prison guard who told all this to us!”
Jimmy said, ” Then call him! We will ask him?”
A guard went to the prison world and came back with another person after 5 minutes.
Jimmy asked, ” Are you the one who reported king Reynolds about Prince Alwyn's escape?
That guard said, ” Yes.”
Jimmy asked, ” How many people were guarding the prison cell in which Prince Alwyn was held captive?”
That guard replied, ” 30 members!”
Jimmy asked, ” That many people for one cell?”
Jimmy said, ” Whatever! Where are those 30 members? Call them?”
” That is...” , That guard didn't know whether to laugh or cry!