Arjun and Rick didn't understood anything. But they know that it is something serious. So they didn't say anything and listened Magmeel's past.
Magmeel said, ” Every thing has a beginning. This Universe was created by the Light and the Darkness. Humans are also created by some Gods. Just like that, Dragons are also created by someone. We address him as the Dragon God!”
Magmeel continued, ” The Dragon God has six children in total. They were his biological children! I'm actually one of them!”
”WHAT???” , Rick and Arjun said in shock! That was a huge news for anyone.
Magmeel said, ” My father is so ancient that he was a kid back when The Light and The Darkness created the Universe! He witnessed the entire creation!”
Both Rick and Arjun were stunned! This news was so huge that they couldn't describe it in words! Both of them had only one thought,
[ How old is Magmeel to be able to be the biological son of the Dragon God!]
[ What's even more insane is, How old is the Dragon God who witnessed the creation of the Universe!]
Magmeel continued, ” When Dragon God created the dragons, he sent all his children as the leader for them! Each of us were born with different abilities. All the Dragons created by the Dragon God were sent to the Life Realm as the first creatures on this realm. But they don't have an experienced leader who could lead them and teach them the art of life.”
Magmeel continued, ” So our father sent us as their leaders. All the Dragons have different elements that they use. In fire Dragons, we have a Dragon named 'Hellore' who could breath Hell flames. We have 'Flume' who could breath Phoenix Flames. Like that we have many Dragons with each one of them had different abilities in fire.”
Arjun thought for a moment and said, ” But your Golden flames alone has the power of all Fire Dragons! Am I right?”
Magmeel said, ” Yes! That's right! My flames have the power of all fire dragons! I don't know what exactly is my father's element. But he created all the dragons. We six brothers were born with six different elements. We got our powers genetically through our father.”
Magmeel continued, ” My elder brother's name is Fukumeel! He led all the Wind Dragons. He became the King Of the Wind Dragon! Rick! You received the power of the Wind Dragon King just now!”
” WHAT?” , said Rick in shock.
Magmeel continued, ” Elder brother Fukumeel is the Wind Dragons King! His Wind element has the power of all wind Dragons. Just like that Myself and all my brothers have the power of all the dragons who shares our individual elements.”