Everyone were stunned! The word ”Act of God” was like a taboo on the entire Assassins Organisation!
The leader of the Assassins Organization was p*ssed. He shouted in frustration, ” How many times the god will act on that d*mn city? Tell me what happened this time?”
The second reporter was terrified! He said, ” At first the Weissan City was functioning with bright sunny day. But suddenly the climate changed in an instant. The bright sunny day was occupied by the dark Gray clouds. Then Lightning started to roar all over the Weissan City! Then some kind of Gray energy descended on the entire Weissan City with a rapid force!”
The leader of the Assassins Organization was stunned! He said, ” First it was the white light. Then it was the Golden Flames. And now it is the Gray energy? What will be next?”
The leader of the Assassins Organization said, ” Whatever! Continue. What happened after the Gray Energy descended?”
The second reporter said, ” The Gray energy stayed for 10 seconds and disappeared. Everything changed back to normal. It was as if nothing has happened at all!”
The chief executive asked, ” So? What happened later?”
The second reporter said, ” Later the entire Weissan City changed. The agricultural land became insanely fertile! The soil became much more pure. All the agricultural land started to bloom and grains and wheat came out. This was not the season, but the crops bloomed. The quality of the crops was never seen in the history of the world! Those who ate the fruits and the crops after cooking, felt as if their Mental State and Mental Strength increased dramatically! All the people who didn't healed properly when the golden flames descended, were now perfectly all right. The spiritual energy in the environment of that city improved. When it was tested by the experts, they were stunned!”
The leader of the Assassins Organization asked, ” What is the result?”
The second reporter said, ” The spiritual energy there is so thick that it was strongest in the world. That was enough for the big shots who hesitated last time to start migrating towards the Weissan City. Even the King of the Nora Kingdom under whose jurisdiction the Weissan City comes, announced it with the status of District! Weissan City now became the Weissan District!”
Everyone stood up in shock! The leader of the Assassins Organization said, ” Isn't it way too much? It's just the land became much more pure. Why would that king change it's status?”
The second reporter said, ” It was because I haven't said the important part yet?”
The leader of the Assassins Organization was stunned. He asked, ” Isn't all you said so far is important matter? What could be more important than this news?”
The leader of the Assassins Organization narrowed his eyes and asked, ” What kind of improvement?”
The second Reporter said with fear, ” The people who didn't reach the 1 - Grandstar Realm has reached the peak of the 1 - Grandstar Realm. They are about to reach the 2 - Grandstar Realm! The people who were at 1 - Grandstar realm has reached the 2 - Grandstar realm. Just like that people who were at 2 reached the 3, 3 reached the 4. 4 reached the 5 5 reached the 6. 6 reached the 7 - Grandstar realm.”
” WHHAAAT?” , Everyone said in unison.
The leader of the Assassins Organization said in shock, ” Now don't tell me that 7 - Grandstar realm people have reached the 8 - Grandstar realm! That would be ridiculous!”
” Eh?” ,The second reporter didn't know whether to laugh or cry! He said while trembling, ” Actually...”
The leader of the Assassins Organization asked, ” What? Just spit it out! What do you want to say?”