Everyone in the room laughed loudly. They would definitely be happy if they could cause headache for their enemies like the Assassin's Organisation.
Aeron asked, ” Now master and uncle Gnan has recovered to their prime status, do you think those representatives from the Assassin's Organisation will come again?”
Gnan said, ” No. I don't think so. They did cause us so much pain. Do you think they would still come? I don't think so. ”
Arjun shook his head and said, ” No father. They will definitely come. I'm completely sure about it!”
” What?” , asked Gnan in surprise, ” They harmed us very badly. Now that we have recovered, do you think they would still have the guts to come?”
When the golden flames spread all over the Weissan City, Sitaram and Gnan were slowly recovering. They didn't realized it during their conversation with Magmeel. What they lost was their Magic Core! So it took some time for it to restore to it's prime. The next day both of them were stunned to see that they were recovered completely.
Now that both of them recovered to their prime status and their cultivation base reached to the peak of the 7 - Grandstar realm, they were confident in dealing with the Assassin's Organisation.
So Gnan thought that it would be like digging their own grave, if the people from the Assassin's Organisation come again.
Sitaram said, ” What Arjun said is right! Think about it Gnan. Right now Weissan City is the centre of attraction in the world! Our city has got many names. Most importantly we have a willpower user! And we have forged the weapon which is equivalent to 9 - Grandstar realm. So it was obvious that they will try to strengthen the relationship between us and them. So they would come and accept the business deal. ”
” Even though they know that they will die in our hands if they dared to enter our mansion. They are rediculous.” , said Gnan in anger.
” You don't understand father. ” , replied Arjun, ” It's not about the strength. The representatives will come because they will have no other option. If they disagree to come here and try to strengthen the relationship between us and them then the leader of the Assassin's Organisation would kill them. But if they agree out of fear and come here to strengthen the relationship between us , then they will have a slim chance to escape death. Afterall we are more merciful than the leader of the Assassin's Organisation right. ”
Gnan and others felt enlightened. They gave it a thought about it and felt that it was logical.
Aeron asked, ” I think we could avoid them. You have very good thinking abilities. If master and uncle Gnan willed it, then they could take back the Star Moon Empire! You could be the emperor of the Star Moon Empire. Don't you want to ascend the throne which is rightfully belongs to you?”
Both Sitaram and Gnan looked at Arjun. They also has the same question in their minds. Now that Aeron asked the question, they are curious about Arjun's response.
Arjun said, ” I want to take back our Empire. Afterall it is the hard work of grandfather. But I have no intention to ascend the throne though. I like to be a free man. On top of that I need to train very longer period of time to reach the peak in Willpower. So I had no interest in the throne. ”
Gnan asked, ” Why don't you want to take our Empire back now? Why do you wait for some other day?”