The meeting hall fell silent. Sitaram and others were enjoying the moment. They were feeling as if they are watching a theatre show where enemies are being a** kicked by hero, no matter how many weapons the villains are using. They were enjoying each and every moment.
But the three guests are having the hard time. They felt as if in order to win, all three of them are kids who are trying to play a volleyball game with a professional player. They didn't dare to be careless with Arjun while talking anymore.
Jacob said, ” Lord Arjun! We are just representatives from the Assassin's Organisation. We don't make decisions. Please give us one week of time. We will discuss with the organisation leader and we will inform you about our decision. ”
Arjun said, ” Alright! Take your own time. It's not like I'm a busy man who has a lot of work. Then let's meet after one week.”
The three of them said their farewell and left the building immediately. They quickly ran and didn't stop until they got out of the Weissan City. As soon as they left the Weissan City, they felt as if they are relaxing after an intense training. All three of them taken a sigh of relief.
They felt ashamed. If the word spread out that they were outspoken by an 18 years old young man, then they will loose image in the world.
Jacob said, ” I'm not gonna come here again.”
Raymond said, ” Mee too.”
Nege didn't said anything. But she had only one thought, ' I shouldn't have abandoned him in the past. He is really tough. If he was in the organisation, my status would have skyrocketed in the organisation.'
All three of them sighed and left the Weissan City in disappointment.
In the city Lord Mansion. ----
The entire meeting hall was filled with laughter. They were scared at the beginning. Because it was a possibility that they might die. So at that moment Sitaram and Gnan were thinking of a way to protect Arjun. Even if it cost them their lives. They were really scared.
But the ending of the discussion was out of their expectations. Arjun who came in middle, totally outplayed them.
Aeron said, ” That was brilliant. You really toyed with them. ”
” That was impressive, Young Master Arjun. ” , said Brooks with a smile on his face.
Gnan said worried, ” That was indeed amazing. But I think you made a mistake by revealing that you have awakend your Inner Will. Why would you do that? Now they will start concentrating on you more frequently. You just don't know how horrible is that assassin's organisation! ”
Sitaram interfeared and said, ” No. He did the right thing by revealing it!”
Sitaram replied, ” That's why I'm saying that he did the right thing by revealing it. ”
” But how?” , asked Gnan.