Arjun was confused. But he understood one thing. If Ringo and other girls have such a powerful family background then his grandfather would also have a powerful background too.

” Could it be , I'm also some kind of prince of a Kingdom?” , thought ArArjun.

” No. It couldn't be. Uncle Brooks said that the reason why the people of big kingdoms sent their princess to grandfather was so that they could learn something from grandfather. That means my grandfather was a very talented teacher. He might be teacher for big shots like ministers , dukes , Viscounts , or maybe Kings! Their is only one way to figure it out. Just listen to what my grandfather has to say.” , Arjun thought.

” Alright!” , replied Arjun.

” Just come to the troops training center after you wear your dress. And make it quick. We don't have much time. ” , Gnan said gently.

Arjun replied, ” Yes Father. I will be their. ”

Gnan nodded his head and left. Arjun was feeling uneasy. Because the way his father was talking judging from it the situation is very serious. So he didn't waste time. He wore his clothes and left to the troops training centre.

The moment Arjun entered into the room he saw some bunch of people standing behind Sitaram and Gnan. Arjun was stunned. Because one of the people standing behind Sitaram and Gnan was none other than the district governor! There was a person who was standing behind the district governor. Arjun eyes lit up in happiness.

He called, ” Big Brother Aeron!!!”

Aeron replied, ” Wow! Arjun you have grown up into an handsome man. ”

Before Arjun could reply Sitaram interfeared and said, ” Arjun. You can have a talk later. But first we need to tell you something. We don't have much time .”

Arjun nodded his head and walked towards his grandfather. Sitaram smiled gently and said, ” I think you already know about Ringo and other girls background. So before I tell you about ours , You need to learn about the world. ”

Sitaram took a stick and drew a big circle. Inside the circle, he drew four circles equally at every corner. Inside the circle which was at north-west corner , Sitaram drew 4 circles. Inside the circle which was at North-east corner , he drew 7 circles. Inside the circle which was at South - West corner, he drew 5 circles. Inside the circle which was at South-East corner, he drew 9 circles.