Part 33 (1/2)
”What were you saying of him?” asked I
”Why, , where I met with the comtesse de Boufflers”
”Yes, I remember,” said I, ”the former of these ladies was the particular friend of Jean Jacques Rousseau”
”And the second also,” answered she; ”and I can promise you, that neither the one or the other spoke too well of him”
”Is it possible?” exclaimed I, with a warmth I could not repress
”The duchess,” resurateful ht pedant”
”Shameful, indeed,” cried I; ”but can you, my dear friend, account for the ill-nature hich these ladies speak of poor Rousseau?”
”Oh! Yes,” replied the marechale, ”their motives are easily explained, and I will tell you a little secret, for the truth of which I can vouch Mada had at one time conceived the most lively passion for Jean Jacques”
”Indeed!” cried I; ”and he-”
”Did not return it As for madame de Bouffiers, the case was exactly reversed; and Rousseau has excited her resent to nurse a hopeless flame, of which she was the object: this presunified countess could never pardon However, I entreat of you not to repeat this; remember, I tell you in strictest secrecy”
”Oh, be assured of my discretion,” said I; ”I promise you not to publish your secret” (which, by the way, I was very certain was not communicated for the first time when told to me)
This confidence on the part of the marechale had, in some unaccountable manner, only increased the ardent desire I felt to see the author of the ”Nouvelle Heloise”; and I observed to reat curiosity to be introduced to Rousseau
”I fear,” said she, ”you will never be able to persuade him to visit at the chateau”
”How then can I acco this celebrated man?”
”By one sio to hily accompany you, but he knowsyou can do is to dress yourself quite plainly, as a lady fro with you one of your female attendants You may take as a pretext for your visit some music you would wish to have copied Be sure to treat M de Rousseau as a mere copyist, and appear never to have heard of his superior inerit: do this, and you will receive the best possible reception”
I greatly approved of the marechale 's advice, which I assured her I would delay no longer than till the following day to put into practice; and, after some further conversation upon J J Rousseau, we parted
Early the next day I set out for Paris accoestion of madame de Mirepoix, I dressed myself as a person recently arrived frouised herself as a villager I assure you, our personal attractions lost nothing by the change of our attire From the rue de la Jussienne to the rue Platriere is only a few steps; nevertheless, in the fear of being recognised, I took a hired carriage Having reached our place of destination, we entered, by a shabby door, the habitation of Jean Jacques Rousseau: his apartments were on the fifth floor I can scarcely describe to you, my friend, the emotions I experienced as I drew nearer and nearer to the author of ”Heloise” At each flight of stairs I was compelled to pause to collectan assignation At length, however, we reached the fifth story; thereafter having rested a few minutes to recover myself, I was about to knock at a door which was opposite to me, when, as I approached, I heard a sweet but tre a melancholy air, which I have never since heard anywhere; the sa several times When it had entirely ceased I profited by the silence to tap with nal, that even Henriette, as close behinda bell which hung near us; and, having done so, a step was heard approaching the door, and, in a minute or two, it was opened by atwo feallantry, at which I affected to beto repress my emotion, ”does a person named Rousseau, a copier of music, live here?”
”Yes, madam; I am he What is your pleasure?”
”I have been told, sir, that you are particularly skilful in copying lad if you would undertake to copy these airs I have brought with oodness to walk in, madam”
We crossed a small obscure closet, which served as a species of antecha-room of M de Rousseau, who seatedto Henriette to sit down, oncethe music
”Sir,” said I, ”as I live in the country, and but very rarely visit Paris, I should be obliged to you to get it done as early as possible”