Chapter 159 - Be a bait ! (2/2)
” Can I ask you something ? ” said Aria .
” Yes . ” said Helios .
” Will I get a raise in my wage ? ” said Aria .
” Judging from the situation which is quite dangerous , yes . You will get a raise ! ” said Helios with a serious .
” How much ? ” asked Aria with a dejected expression
” How about five times your current wage ?! ” said Helios hoping to motivate her a bit .
” I want ten times my wage ! ” said Aria still with a dejected tone .
” F...Fine ! ” said Helios a bit surprised cause he wasn't used to seeing her dejected and lifeless .
The tired and worried expression on Aria's face was immediately noticed by him . Helios thought of saying something encouraging but Aria got up from the couch and looked at him straight in his eyes .
” Okay ! There's no use to worry over things that have already been decided ! Right ?! For the sake of my bonu...I mean , my handsome and hardworking boss , I shall do my best to make sure his plan succeeds , no matter what kind of danger I have to face . ” said Aria with a motivated tone .
Helios remained surprised when he saw the sudden mood change of Aria .
” Weren't you complaining a lot a while ago ?! ” asked Helios confused .
” Well , I was a bit startled by the sudden fact that I would serve as a bait . Now , that I know I will get a nice sum of money , I am very happy . ” said Aria with a shiny smile .
Helios laughed a bit then got up from the couch and extended his hand towards Aria .
” Great ! We will discuss further tomorrow . ” said Helios .
” Sure ! Bye president ! ” said Aria with a smile .
” Good night ! ” said Helios with a nice tone then opened the door and went outside .
' If I had known that her mind would change so easily if I gave her a nice bonus , I would have done said so while we were still on the least she's not that scared anymore . Since she will enter my team , she needs to get used with simple things like this . ' thought Helios with a smile then opened the door of his room and entered inside .
Aria was looking at the suitcases with a difficult expression .
” Aden , do you think that I should open the suitcase and put the clothes in the drawers ?! ” said Aria while seriously thinking if she has to open it .
” Dada ! ” said Aden with a neutral expression .
” Yeah , you're right ! I have to put the clothes in their places......Agrh ! I really feel too lazy to do this ! ” said Aria and reluctantly opened the suitcase .
When she opened the suitcase she remained surprised to see that it was empty .
” Aden , where are all of our clothes ?!!! ” said Aria with a startled expression .
” Daaadada ! ” said Aden confused at why his sister was startled .
” The suitcase is empty ! Where are our clothes ?! ” said Aria then looked at the suitcase again to confirm again that they were empty .
She looked around then her eyes caught a glimpse of a giant wardrobe . She went towards the wardrobe and opened it . When she opened it , she saw that the clothes were all nicely folded and hanged in the right place .
' The maids must have put the clothes here.....for a minute I thought that we would remain without clothes . ' thought Aria with a relieved expression that she found the clothes and that they were already placed inside the wardrobe .
Aria was a hardworking girl but when it came to house chores , she was always very lazy . Before she closed the wardrobe , Aria noticed a shiny cloth .
” What is this ?! ” said Aria and took the shiny cloth .
When she unfolded it , to her surprise , it was a nightdress made of silk and a night smock made of silk .
' Wow , it's a cute , pink nightdress ! I always wanted to have some pajama made of silk . They must feel really comfortable on the skin.....but is this really mine ?! ' thought Aria .
She looked at her feet and noticed a white piece of paper . Aria took it and read it .
'''''''''For miss Aria and the little Aden ! Hope you have a nice stay in my home ! Mr. Bob !'''''''
Aria closely again inside the wardrobe and noticed that there was another shiny cloth . When she took it , she saw that it was blue pajamas made of silk for children .