Chapter 143 - Ill strangle him (1/2)
Aria was very surprised when she read the note .
””” This gift is a little present for your hard work lately . It was fun seeing you mop the floor , make coffee can someone be so bad at cooking ?!...Anyway , good work ! Since you're part of the team now , I've given you something which will be pretty useful . Welcome to the team , little tigress ! ””” said the note .
Aria knew right away that the note was from Helios . She looked at it a bit annoyed but she couldn't deny the fact that she liked the bouquet of blue roses .
' What does he have in mind now ?! With his character , I wonder if he has put a snake toy in that gift ?!.......I should probably leave it there . ' thought Aria with a doubtful look .
Although she was happy for the bouquet , she still couldn't believe that Helios would be kind enough to not do any tricks on her , after all, she had been through .
Aria did think that but at the same time she was extremely curious to know what was inside the wrapped gift .
' If I don't open it , I will never feel at ease . Jeez , why did I have to be such a curious person . ' thought Aria and took the gift in her hands .
She started to unfold the cover of the gift and to her surprise , it wasn't any snake toy or childish trick but the newest model of the IPhone company . Aria took the phone in her hands and noticed that there was a letter attached at the back of it .
””” The phone is already backed up by your brother . He wants you to call him , don't forget that ! All your previous info is there ! By the way , nice photos , especially the one with the sleeping face . ””””””” said the note behind the phone .
” What ?!!!! Don't tell me he has peeked at my photos ?!.......That donkey !!!! ” said Aria with her face blushing .
' I'm gonna kill you Ace ! How could you side with him and leave my photos exposed like that ?! I still am not even with you about the blonde donkey's identity ! He must have known it for sure ! Ah Ace , just wait till I see you again ! You're so dead ! ' thought Aria and looked at the phone .
' That blonde donkey.....he's considerate though . ' thought Aria with a warm smile when she saw the photo of her and her mom on the screen of the phone .
Aria looked around and her eyes went towards the couch .
' Aden's still sleeping ?!....Strange ! I must wake him up and take him to eat breakfast . ' thought Aria and went towards the couch .
While walking she accidentally kicked a file which reminded her that the place was a true mess and that she needed to finish the remaining fifty files she left because she fell asleep .
” I better put the files in their right boxes and finish the remaining fifty files before waking Aden up then we can go home and have a good rest . ” said Aria with a smile and started to place the finished files inside the boxes .
It took her an hour to finish placing the files in their right boxes . After that, she started finishing the remaining fifty files . Another three hour passed and Aria was about to finish the last file she had in her hands . She finished it after half an hour more .
” Good ! Now that I finished that blonde donkey's unreasonable demand , I can go home with Aden at ease . ” said Aria .
The office now was all cleaned after collecting all the files . Before Aria could get up from her seat , the door knocked .
” Enter ! ” said Aria .
When the door opened , Mana came in .
” Hello Aria ! ” said Mana with a smile .
” Mana ! It's so good to see you ! Did you finish the drafts you had to take care of ?! ” asked Aria with a smile .
” Yeah ! I had to finish a new collection of two hundred dresses , I am exhausted !!! ” said Mana with a tired expression .
” That must have been very hard ! ” said Aria with a serious tone and Mana nodded her head in sign of agreement .
Mana looked around and remained shocked when she saw all those boxes filled with files .
” Did Helios give you an unreasonable job again ?! ” asked Mana annoyed when she thought of Helios .
” Yeah ! That donkey has given me these files to reorganize them . I have reorganized at least nine hundred files since I have started to work here for this unreasonable donkey . ” said Aria with an annoyed expression .
” Nine hundred files ?!!!!!!! And you finished them !!!!!!! ” said Mana extremely shocked .
” Yes ! ” said Aria startled .
” And you're fine ?! ” asked Mana still shocked .
” Yeah !....Only a bit tired ! ” said Aria .
” You're definitely not a human being ! We better go and take your blood for check-ups , whether you're a mixed human-alien girl . ” said Mana amazed .
” What are you talking about ?! ” said Aria and both of them started to laugh .
While looking at the boxes in the office Mana noticed the gorgeous blue roses bouquet .
' Those roses ?! I could recognize them everywhere ! ' thought Mana with a mile when looking at them .
” Hey, Aria ! Did Helios give you those flowers ?! ” asked Mana with a smirk .
” The blue roses ! Yeah , that donkey's very weird ! He tortures me and now he gives me a bouquet of blue roses since I am part of the team now . ” said Aria confused .
” Part of the team ?! That's great news ! ” said Mana with an excited smile .
” I don't know what you mean by good news ! When he's involved only bad things happen to me....I also have a disturbing feeling that tells me he will soon find another excuse to torment me . I am sure of that ! ” said Aria with an annoyed expression .
” Maybe ! ” said Mana who couldn't really argue with Aria's words .
' Strange though ! He would never gift flowers from his private garden in the palace to anyone except his mother .
” Aria do you like blue roses ?! ” asked Mana .
” Yes ! They're my favorite ! ” said Aria with a cute smile .
' Maybe he chooses the blue ones because he knew that she likes them...Anyway....making her part of the team , gifting her favorite roses to her....this isn't Helios's normal behavior . ' thought Mana a bit confused by Helios's behavior towards Aria .
” You said that it's a good thing that I am part of the team . What does that mean ?! ” asked Aria curious .
” I'll tell you at the group's meeting after two weeks . ” said Mana with a smile .
” Okay ! ” said Aria and headed towards the couch to wake Aden up .
” Aden sweety ! Wake up , we need to go home ! ” said Aria with a warm tone .