Chapter 1 - A messy meeting (1/2)

”Okay now that I arrived at the airport I can relax a little since there's two hours left before the plane's departure . I better go and take a cappuccino. ” said Aria while looking at her phone.

Everything was perfect for her now that she had just graduated from university . It had already been four years since she last went to her country. The four years passed in France went away in the blink of an eye so now it was time to return to her homeland , England .

After getting her cappuccino Aria decided to look in the stores for some souvenirs . She thought that it would be nice to get some presents for her family members . When she entered the store she started to look around and then saw a suspicious person . He was wearing a black hat and jacket ,grey jeans with holes and he also had had three earrings in his left ear . He approached a middle aged lady and in the blink of an eye stole her purse from the bag she was carrying .

”A thief , catch him , he stole my purse !” said the lady in a very desperate tone . Aria decided to run after him .

”How dare you to steal a lady's money ! I'm going to catch you and teach you a lesson .”

While running she accidentally bumped into a tall man who was accompanied by two other guys who looked like bodyguards . At first sight , she thought he was very handsome . Aria saw that he was carrying a weird statue in his hand then she thought of an idea .

”Sorry for bumping into you just now . May I use this object ? ”

Without even hearing his answer she run after the thief and left him with a shocked look on his face . She threw the mini statue like a basketball and hit his head . He immediately fell down losing consciousness . Everyone around started to praise her courage and aim . The police came to take the thief away and thanked Aria cause they were looking for him for so long but still couldn't catch him . Then she returned the wallet to the middle aged lady who was thanking her with tears in her eyes . Aria knew how it was like to be left without money so she was really happy she helped her .

”Again thank you very much !”

”Don't mention it ! It was my pleasure helping you . ”

Aria parted with the lady after getting her luggage and decided to go on her way again . The moment she made the first step , she felt a chill behind her back and the place became a bit dark .Aria didn't understand what was going on and turned around to see the source of that black atmosphere.

”You !”

Aria heard a voice and it was the owner of the statue who she bumped into a few minutes ago . She couldn't understand why he was so angry.

”Sir what's...wrong ? ”

”Hey hero girl ! Now that you got the merits thanks to my statue who was broken by your unnatural strength you except me to let you get away with this ?! ” said Helios.

When she looked carefully at the statue she realized that it was damaged and was quite surprised.

”Don't you think it's weird for a statue to break so easily ? Maybe it's fake ?!Plus it can be repaired right ! Why make it a big deal about something so unimportant ?”

”You know ! I just paid 89 millions to get this statue and you dare to say that it is fake .”