19 Half Baked Princess (1/2)

The children all gather round and talk, then Caspian shouted and started pacing while talking to himself.

”Oh no, this cannot be...” He turned to face them, ”How could you guys let this happen?”.

”Didn't you hear what we said earlier? Even the princess didn't know about her powers, heritage, crown and Gandera”.

”And you say it like it's a good thing? Come on, why wouldn't she?”.

”The moment she uses her powers, Claudius would be able to sense it, our parents couldn't take that risk. If he had sent his full army to us, how then do you think they would be able to resist them? Then the queen's sacrifice would all be for nought” Jasper explained.

”It still isn't better having a half baked princess, what then is she doing here in Gandera?” He shouted back at Jasper.

Before he knew what was happening, he got a punch to his face that sent him flying several meters away.

”Jasper” the others rushed to Caspian's side while Isabel and Catherine just held on to Jasper, pulling him back and preventing him for attacking Caspian again. The others helped Caspian up as blood starts running from his nose.

”Get a clean cloth to stop the bleeding” Jewel said to one of the guys with them.

”Yes Jewel” the boy said and dashed to the house.

”What is wrong with you?” Melia shouted at Jasper.

”What is wrong with me? Ask him that instead”.

”You were the one who punched him” Melia retorted back.

”I should have done more than that if you ask me”.

”Jasper stop it”.

”No Catherine, the next time he or anyone else opens their mouth to utter one word of insult to her, I would do more than just punch that person in his or her face. Thank your stars they are here, I would have beaten you to a pulp” he said in anger.

”Jasper, that's enough already” Isabel said releasing her grip on his hand.

The boy who left, hurried back with a clean cloth and a bowl of water. Caspian washes his face and use the clean cloth on his wound.

Melia looks at Caspian again and the rage was clearly written on her face.

”Let it go Melia”.