16 Found Her 1 (1/2)
Jasper and Catherine kept on running all the while following the direction the bead pointed at.
After running for some time they stopped to catch their breathes.
”You think they'll be okay Jas?”.
”I know they'll be okay Cathy. This was their home, they surely would be able to handle this soldiers” he said trying to reassure her.
”Sure, mother and Aunt can handle them. I'm just... ” she was cut short by Jasper's finger on her lips.
”Shhhh... We can do it, we've been preparing all our life for this time. Isabel needs us, she out of all of us guardians haven't trained with her powers”.
”I'm worried about her, she's out there alone. Not knowing where to go or whom to trust. How would she be able to fend for herself?”.
”Catherine” he called her name, trying to calm her down.
”Jasper I am... ”.
”Its going to be okay, don't panicked. You'll have a panic attack and we don't need that right now. I'm also worried about her... ” he pauses as he sees Catherine giving him a suspicious smile.
”Why are you looking at me like that?” He asked the mischievous girl.
”Hehhehhehhheee” she giggles while flashing him a shy smile.
”Come on out with it Cathy”.
”You are worried about her...”
”Yes, so? Is it a bad thing?” He asked again.
”You like her”.
”Of course I like her. We all do”.
”No your's is different. You like like her”.
He looks at Catherine feigning ignorance.
”Don't give me that look like you know nothing of what I'm talking about”.
”Nah I don't”.
”Yes you do you liar”.
”I don't Cathy”.
”You have feelings for her”.
”Its in your head Cathy”.
”But... ”
He cuts her short, ”Enough with that, we have to get going. At least you are better now, let's go”.
Before she had the chance to argue, he drags her away and they continued running.
Isabel keeps walking North and finds a house hidden in the woods. She scanned the compound and saw some clothes hung to dry on a rope. She checked again and when she was sure no one was coming, she ran towards the clothes and picked a trouser, a shirt, a pair of gloves and a cloak. Then she turned to leave but q hand stops her.