4 Attacked 1 (1/2)

Jasper stands outside close to the female restroom waiting for Isabel.

In the rest room, Isabel is seen staring at her reflection in the mirror.

”What was that I felt from him just now... I've never seen Jasper like that. It was as if he would kill them.. ” She sighs.

”Perhaps its just my imagination and nothing more, he was just angry... Serves Desmond right, arrrrghhh.. My uniform is ruined.”

There was a light yellow stain on her white short hand shirt and a dark stain on her maroon skirt. She uses her handkerchief soaked with water to try wiping herself clean. After which she washes her face, straightened her clothes and left.

She met Jasper still waiting for her and she approach him

”You're done.. Isabel, I want to say I'm sorr.... ”

She stops him by placing a finger on his lips.

”Stop, I know, you we're angry. You were defending me. I'm thankful, so don't feel bad. Come on let's go... ”

They left. After school Catherine excuses herself and went home first.

”Bye Cathy, see you tomorrow. Well I haven't told you about it all yet Jasper. Let's go. I'll tell you on the way. ”

She pulls his shirt leading him to their direction and they continued walking home.

”So that's what happened. For the first time Jasper, I'm actually looking for to the next dream. I want to know what would happen to them. Especially the child.”

Jasper thinks, then he turns to her ”Isabel, I'm sorry I won't be escorting you farther than this ”.

”Anything the matter?”.

”No, I mean yes, I have to get home on time today. I have some things to do. I'm sorry babe”.

”it's no problem, okay run along now”. She waves him and he hugs her, then left her.

”Okay, home sweet home.. ”

As she walks home, soon she felt someone was watching her. She walks faster and follows a bend, before she knows it, someone covers her mouth with a hand. She struggles but to no avail, her bag fell off her shoulders and then the person stabs an injection in her neck, she quickly bites on the hand and uses her leg to hit backwards at the person's crotch and broke free. She quickly removes the injection but half of the fluid has been injected into her.

”Who the hell are you. ”

She notices he wore something over his head that had the eyes and mouth part cut out. Then three other guys join them.

”If you are not scared why don't you remove your mask”.

She feels dizzy.. And speaks to herself ”What nonsense did these guys drug me with. Damn it I can't lose consciousness here. I've got to fight my way out”.