150 Pawn (1/2)
Jenna looked him in the eyes without saying anything. ”I don't know what is going on with you but I already apologized” she said, maintaining eye contact with him. She noticed his eyes change.....she was about to say something when he leaned down and kissed her.
At first Jenna Froze, not responding to the kiss. ”What the heck?” she thought. The guy was a crazy maniac. One minute, he looks like a wolf in the full moon who's about to change, and the other minute, he has those puppy cute eyes. She melted into the kiss as she felt his grip loosen. She ran her hand through his hair and kissed him back.
He squeezed her breast through her top. As he reached the hem of her top to take it off, Jenna stopped him. ”Aidenn?” she said, pulling her lips from his. ”I'm scared. I want to go home.”
Aidenn couldn't understand why she was holding back. She just kissed him back just now and now she wants to leave?
” I'm sorry I reacted that way. You are right, you can look around. I just get territorial sometimes. Please Adrianna, don't say that again, I won't and can't hurt you.” He released her and moved away from her. ..he went to his wardrobe to look for what to wear.
”I'll let you dress. Once again I'm sorry for overstepping my boundary, it won't happen again” Jenna said and turned to leave.
Jenna was almost at the door when Aidenn rushed forward and used his body to block the door. ”Don't go Addy, please stay.”
”I don't know Aidenn, you confuse me... sometimes you are warm and other times you are scary. Maybe we should give each other space. I'm trying to lead a good life, I've done alot of things in the past and for the first time in my life, I wanna do the right thing. I don't need someone who's going to complicate my life more”. Jenna said, avoiding his eyes.
”There's a reason why I'm like this Addy, please come sit down...I'll tell you everything. Just don't goplease.” He took her hand in his and led her to the living room.
”After my internship, the hospital employed me. I was a great doctor and everyone loved me. So I thought. My mom died during my internship at the hospital. I was devastated, I almost stopped the program but Karen didn't allow me. After she died, I never went home. I left immediately after the funeral ....me and Karen stayed in a hotel that day. I didn't go home, I only went there to lock the place.”
”I met Karen during my internship. Her dad was among the richest men in the country. He funded most of the hospital projects and also controls the government. Karen was always coming to the hospital. I later found out she was born weak and that she always come to the hospital every month for checkup. Along the line, the doctors found a tumor in her brain. Now her dad threatened to stop funding the hospital if they don't save his daughter”
”I spoke to the director then and told him it would be dangerous to operate on her cause of her condition. I started searching for a surgeon who could operate on her, I attended conferences and travelled to almost anywhere.”
”The director decided to do the surgery but with a method that only genius doctors used, I know this procedure has only been done in labs and on lap rats but the director said he and his crew had done it in one of the war regions during an emergency, when an important personel almost died.”
”I tried my best to stop him from operating on her but I was just a fresh doctor, a broke one at that. No one listened to me. I tried to talk Karen out of it but she refused to listen to me. I think she was tired of bring sick” He said, looking down.