90 Meeting Mrs Hembadoom II (1/2)

Just Mine laRezi 29850K 2022-07-21

Wow, here I am thinking no one knows, she said as she stared at Dwayne. Dwayne raised his hands up, I didn't tell her anything.

Mrs Hembadoom laughed at the two and said,don't worry dear, I won't tell a soul. My son didn't tell me anything, I saw it the moment you walked in and when I held your hands. In our time, our parents didn't need medical result to know if you were pregnant. they check your eyes, hands and other part and they can tell, but most parent now because of civilization, they depend solely on English medicine, that a child will be at home with you for months and you wont know she is pregnant but thank God they are still a few of us left, she said smiling.

Wow Sky said smiling. My mom isn't very good at it ma'am but she said she would have caught me with my saliva. You are good ma'am, I think I should bring my little sister here every month, she's the female version of Dwayne. No offense ma'am.

None taken my dear. She said as she smiled. now pick something so you can eat.

Dwayne watched as his mom and Sky conversed and smiled. Mom why don't you give her today's special? Plus she seem to be in love with your ogbono soup(a local soup made in Nigeria).

Ok dear. She said as she went into the kitchen.

Oh, Sky said... remembering something, I left something at the backseat of my car, please help me get them Dwayne . Thank you.

Sky was left alone in the restaurant, she looked around and noticed there were no customers and the place was small. Hmmm she thought to herself.

Dwayne came in with a fruit basket and a big bag, and went back to get the remaining things from the car.

Mrs Hembadoom came in then with the food. Sky smiled brightly and clapped her hands as she perceived the aroma of the food, I love you maam she said. she washed her hands and started eating.

Ummmmmmm, this is heavenly...ma'am seriously you are the best, I've never eaten anyone's food that taste like my mom's but yours does with a different thirst, did I tell you I love you?

The woman laughed as she watched her eat, the young girl reminded her of herself when she was pregnant with Dwayne. Yes you have. Thank you dear.

Please ma'am, eat something, I feel bad eating alone.

I'm full dear. Please excuse me. Mrs Hembadoom went out to do something when she heard her son on the phone and frowned. She went back inside as if she didn't hear a thing.

Sky was humming amd eating. That reminds me ma'am if you don't mind, I'll like to talk business with you, she said to Mrs Hembadoom as she walked in.

Ok? Mrs Hembadoom said, as she sat down opposite Sky.

Don't you have any help here? I know restaurant work can be really stressful.

I do dear but she only works half day, I can't afford a full time employee now. She doesn't work in the evening as business is always slow during this time. Dwayne was talking about enlarging the shop or moving into the city but I haven't given him the chance to talk.

Concerning that ma'am, Dwayne is right we need to refurbish this place, but no need to move. You are in a new location. Your food is really good. I could barely see the sign on the road when we got here. We need to do a big sign...with light with your shop name on it. Then we need to start making deliveries, start taking orders and takeout. We'll do advert on TV and the papers. I can help with that.

Thisis a very good spot ma'am, Travellers can stop and eat here and people from the city can place orders online. Also you should have an ice cream stand to attract the kids who will bring their parent here.oh and candy floss too. The ice cream cone should be very big with the ice cream showing different colours, just beside the sign.

We can have music somewhere there, and a small stage where anyone can perform, I have some kids who'll love to do that, in no time...this place will blow...I have alot of ideas.

We can make a polo with your shop name on it...Sky remembered she wasn't in a meeting and that she's been taking nonstop, Oh I'm sorry ma'am. I didn't ask for your permission.