59 Probation (1/1)

Just Mine laRezi 22890K 2022-07-21

Back to the present

The intercom pulled Sky out of her thought, She picked the call. Ma'am Mr Teffa is here to see you... Chiamanda said. Ok send him in. Dwayne came into the office with a tray in his hand. Sky was curious as she stood up and walked over to the meeting area. Good morning Ms Sky. I brought you breakfast...I hope you like croissant and sandwich? Sky looked at him with a question in her eyes. Oh Mr Anton briefed me on what I'm expected to do so I'm just doing my part. Ok thank you she said.

Dwayne was about to mix her tea for him when she stopped him. You wouldn't know how I like it....don't worry I'll do it myself. That reminds me Mr Teffa, I have a meeting later today...I'll need you. I'll text you all you need to know and remember, we met at a charity ball. Ok ma'am. there's something I'd like to talk to you about. He said adjusting his tie. Go on Skysaid as she ate her breakfast.

There was an incident in my office last week, I don't know if Mr Anton told you but I just want to let you know that, it was unexpected...she did all that by herself. What incident? Sky asked. Well my ex girlfriend visited me and you see she actually ummmmmm, scratching his head Dwayne paused. Then what happened?You are wasting my time, I don't like men who dawdles. Sky was smiling inside, she would love to see how he explains the situation.

I'm sorry ma'am, he said.She actually came to seduce me and she wasn'twearing much when Mr Anton entered my office plus she was leaning on me, he must have misunderstood. I broke up with her just like the contract said but.... Dwayne was interrupted as his boss raise her palm to stop him from talking.

Interesting, she said. There's one thing I want from you, and that is...it should never repeat itself again. This is an office not a hotel, your room, or a strippers club. What I want to hear is that it won't happen again. Yes ma'am it won't, she's just a pampered princess who's used to having her way. It won't happen again ma'am he said. Allright, you can go. Thanks for breakfast...how's the meeting going at the conference room? Dwayne looked down as he answered her. Not very good ma'am. Ok she said.

After breakfast, Sky was busy with her laptop when her cellphone rang. Seeing the caller ID, she picked the call and put it on loud speaker. Yes Anton how far? Hearing Anton's voice, she removed the phone from speaker, stopped what she was doing and listed to him. Yes? ...oh....wow. Yeah I understand, thank you for doing that. Ok, butif it doesn't go the way I want ...we'll go with what you want. Ok. send her up, thanks. Puttingher phone in her pocket, Sky stood up, left the office and went to the 18th floor, to Mr Jide's office to receive her guest.

Ada walked into Mr Jide's office with shaky legs. She almost lost her job back there but Mr Anton had sent her up here...that, whatever the person she's meeting decides, is what he will work with. She said a thank you to the Secretary as she entered the office, this is the second time she's been here ...the first time was when she had her final interview with Mr Jide, taking a deep breath, she looked up to Mr Jide's desk.

'Ms Ada, I've heard alot about you....you are quite famous. Would you like to join me or you would like to see the CEO?'

Ada followed the voice and saw the lady in the meeting area, her eyes was focused on Mr Jide's desk when the lady spoke. It's the infamous assistant, Mr Jide assistant. Who doesn't talk to anyone and who had this imposing look. Is this the lady who's going to decide her fate?? oh no, she's doomed. She walked over to the meeting area. I'm sorry ma'am, Sir Anton sent me here.

I hear you let every dick, Tom and Harry into the building. Does this look like a brothel or a football field or a mall? are you a bell boy or a receptionist? If you don't know your duty, you can leave right now. What is it I hear about you being threatened?or are you trying to make an excuse?

Ada didn't know where to start from, yes she let me Jayden's daughters up without calling and also Tricia too. She knelt down and started crying. Oh please Ada stop with the sympathy show....I don't like ladies who can't hold it together. Wipe your tears and talk to me or get out of this office. This company won't be the way it is if we look at everybody tears.

Wiping her tears Ada said....it's all my fault ma'am, it was very unprofessional for me to just assume it was ok for the sisters to go up...please forgive me, it will never happen again. Ms Tricia threatened me, I thought I was going loose my job that day. My dad own her father a huge amount of money and we are yet to pay, I panicked ma'am, her dad is s loan shark.

Hmmm so this is how you plan to pay the debt, by loosing your job? You have to be courageous and smart to keep this position. I'm going to put you on probation for three weeks to watch your behavior....if you do well. The company will pay you six months salary ahead of time so you can settle your debt. You can go. Thank you maam, Ada said as she stood up. I won't disappoint you maam.

Sky was about leaving the office when her phone rang. She picked the call. Yes Chiamanda. Sorry to disturb you ma'am but your 11:00 clock appointment just called that he's already in the café. Ok, bring my bag to Mr Jide's office...I'll go meet him now.

Mr Segun has been disturbing Sky for a year now, he's one of the deaconesses son in church, she had tried to turn him down nicely but he still insist on using God as an excuse. She was going to end this today. Removing her phone from her pocket, she wrote a long text to someone as the waited for her bag.