482 Anges New Life (1/2)

Last Wish System Alemillach 36720K 2022-07-21

The security on the whole planet was set to the maximum after Lina got pregnant.

Both factions knew very well how it was being attacked in that period, and Yale himself suffered a curse for a lot of time due to it.

Although Yale had killed all the traitors he discovered, he didn't dare to bet that there wasn't any other traitor left.

That was a bit of paranoid from his part, but no one opposed to increasing the security.

Ange's potential after reincarnation would be far too great, so it wouldn't be strange if someone targeted her. After all, the same strategy they tried with Yale would also work with Ange. If she got cursed and switched sides, Yale wouldn't be able to battle.

After nine months, nothing happened because Yale had truly killed all the traitors, and the hidden dangers were eradicated by Alter Yale.

However, Ange wasn't born after nine months. In fact, Lina's belly didn't look like if she was already in the ninth month of pregnancy.

If it weren't because everyone could sense that there was a new life in Lina's belly, the people would have started to doubt if she was really pregnant.

Five years later, everyone had already got used to the slow progress of Ange's development. Counting the first nine months, it had been almost six years since Lina got pregnant, but she looked like if she was of six months.

The common guess was that probably Ange would be born in the ninth year.

In fact, Yale's mother and Yale's original life also needed that much time to be born, so Yale and Lina didn't worry too much about it.

It seemed to have some relationship to inheriting the Celestial Knowledge, so despite everyone else being shocked by the situation, Yale and Lina were quite calm after they heard about the other two cases from Aknarel and the Battle God.

However, that information was known by only a few people, so the others didn't understand the reasons, and it turned into a huge matter of gossip in the whole planet, but since the planet was completely sealed, the information didn't reach other planets.

Of course, there were people curious about the reasons for having the planet sealed, but they knew that the Battle God and Yale were living in that planet, so no one had the guts to investigate the matter.

The time passed, and in the ninth year, just as everyone guessed, Ange's reincarnation was born.

She received again the name of Ange as that was conforming with the traditions of naming to the eldest daughter of the Shis faction. Yale didn't care too much about that faction, but even the first time that Ange was born since she was considered the oldest daughter, he put her a name according to the traditions.

The traditions for naming the eldest son and the eldest daughter were similar, but not identical, so it didn't matter if a daughter was born before a son or the opposite, both the eldest son and the eldest daughter needed to follow the traditions.

However, it was difficult that the family had two children with complete heritage, so usually only of the two traditions of naming was applied in each generation.

Ange that time had obtained the complete inheritance, so she was already considered as a real descendant of the factions.

Only Celestial Knowledge and Supreme Talent were intended to pass down, but since Ange had an incomplete inheritance of the Divine Eyes, she also completed it.

As for bloodlines, they really didn't matter at that point. It wouldn't be difficult for Yale to create a lot of bloodlines artificially and those created for his reincarnation were useless for someone with Ange's talent after reincarnation.

Thus, Ange hadn't inherited any bloodline. After all, there was no need to increase the difficulty even more for something that could be created easily afterward.

Yale was planning to give her a wolf bloodline after she was born, but he felt that just gifting it to her would affect her fate too much, so he ended up sealing that bloodline in the system he gave to her. As for if she would unlock it or not, it would depend on her own effort.

Anyway, after she recovered her memories, the bloodline would be unlocked even without meeting any of the conditions.

That bloodline would allow her to obtain the Ice Essence without too much difficulty, so it was the only one that Yale felt that she must have, but obtaining it from birth or after becoming a Law God wouldn't made too much difference since the Ice Essence couldn't be trained early on and Ange already have divine talent in everything thanks to the Supreme Talent, which she inherited from Lina.

Yale and Lina spent time with Ange without caring about their own training at all.

After all, Ange would need to leave after starting to practice the Origin Path which would happen automatically when she became ten years old, and ten years wasn't enough to make any significant progress for Yale and Lina.

Although Ange lost her memories, she was still as gentle as in her two previous lives. It had been quite difficult for Yale and Line to force her to train her body.