Chapter 719 (1/2)

After finally finishing all her work and looking at his calm face lying on the SOFA, Liang Yunsheng suddenly felt that she was somewhat satisfied.

At least… … At this time, the only person who could accompany him was herself …

With a small light on, Liang Yunsheng was so bored that she couldn’t wake Derek up by watching TV.

Thus, she picked up the book on the table, which Derek had been flipping through.

Liang Yunsheng looked at the cover of the book.

It was a German book about self-awareness.

She flipped through it casually. After a few glances, she felt that she did not have a good impression of the book. It seemed to be telling her some facts.

Derek’s body was strong, so he recovered very quickly.

After a while, his body moved slightly. Liang Yunsheng caught a glimpse of it from the corner of her eyes and looked at him in surprise. “Yin Qianchen! YOU’RE AWAKE! ”

His gaze slowly fell on Liang Yunsheng. Her heart felt like it had fallen from a cliff. Have you tried it The feeling of falling on empty feet was actually very terrifying.

“You look very disappointed, ” Derek said coldly as he looked at Liang Yunsheng’s face.

“What do you mean? ”LianggYunshengg blinked slightly. Whyy wouldIi be disappointed whenIi see you getting better? ”

“Do you think that I should return to the way you want me to be? ! ”

“I… I’ve never thought of anything else. I just want you to know that you are you, Yin Qianchen, and Yin Qianchen is also you! ”