441 Wanjie Law God begins at Chapter 441 from Harry Potter (1/2)

Chapter 0575 Chapter Reninord

After getting the commitment of Ogreim, Aiden Rienod finally convened all the generals and aristocrats under the department, ready to reveal this news.

Before that, he only discussed this in a small and minority aristocratic discussion.

Of course, Otrak's half-Wanjiang Mountain, the Barrov family did not participate - their territory was the first to capture it, until now they are still waiting for the small island of Lake, waiting for the outside rescue.

If they know that they are sold by the king, what do you think?

”You call us, adults?” General, the commander of the Otrak army, standing in front of the half-open map room.

Other army generals also stand behind him.

”Yes. Come in, general, officers.” Reninord tried to sign up, trying to make your voice very fixed. ”I just got a news about the latest developments, I think it is necessary to tell you.”

Haas and several other people exchanged their eyes quickly, but they did not say anything, followed him to approach the huge map covering the entire wall.

”I got this information from a trusted channel.” Rieno began to say. ”The tribe has occupied Otrak's small half-territory, and the territory of the Baroff family is completely falling, and now they have stationed in Mergending.”

Several generals were surprised to suck a breath.

”Obviously, they are planning to attack the Lord Danlu Kingdom, and choose to override these mountains to appear in the north of Wangcheng.”

”When will they start to continue to attack?” Cartan asked in a hurry. ”How many people they have? What kind of weapons have you brought?”

Others will whisper behind him.

The Rienode raised a hand and the officers were quiet.

”I don't know when they start attack.” He replied, ”Although I suspect it will be one day, or two days, I will not be more, but I don't know their quantity, but all reports show that they are a strong Army. ”

It is said that the king smiled here, he also knows that he laughed very weak.

”However, this is no longer the problem we need to consider.”

The General of Has station straight.

”Don't need us to think, adults?” He asked, heavy breathing made his thick gray beard. ”But we are members of the alliance, we have vowed to fight the tribe with others.”

”Now, the situation has changed.” Renin reminded him, now he is full of sweating: ”I re-considered our option and decided to re-play the role of our conflict. From now on, Terrack will no longer be a member of the league. ”

He took a deep breath.

”I believe me, choose this road will make us more better.”

All the officers look very shocked.

”Adult, what do you mean?” Kadan asked.

”I signed a treaty with tribes.” Reninord replied. ”We will not hinder the actions they cross the mountains, as a return, they will make Otrakon safe.”

His officers look a bit confused, some of which are angry or grief.

”Do you make us with the tribe, adult?” Question in Haas whispers, unable to cover the disgust in the sound.

”Yes, I am going to do with the orc!” Renino finally lost calm, and called his voice. ”Because I want us to live!”

He has not retained to pour your anger and fear in words.