2512 Have You Ever Experienced Despair? 3 (1/2)
Zi Fei let out a slight laugh but she didn't say anything. She could have handled these murderers on her own, but she was very happy that Jun Wu Xie had helped without her asking.
Jun Wu Yao had a sense of Zi Fei's strength; Zi Fei was the purest Sacred Maiden of the Sacred Maiden Sect and she used the Soul World's cultivation technique to cultivate, hence her strength could not be compared to that of a regular person. He had no objection to Jun Wu Xie's decision at that time. He saw that Jun Wu Xie had a good impression of Zi Fei, and if she wanted to do it, why should he object?
At this moment, Qiao Chu, who was full of vigor, was hauling a man who was drenched in blood, and the person kept wailing in anguish as he was being dragged by Qiao Chu, leaving a deep trail on the sand.
”What should we do with this guy?” Qiao Chu dragged the man in front of Jun Wu Xie and Zi Fei, as he kicked the guy on the ground.
”I noticed that the person's clothes are of good quality, his skin is so smooth, so I reckon he must be a leader of sorts that's why I detained him. Do you want to ask him anything?” Qiao Chu got smarter, since they have not been to Upper Realm before, and Jun Wu Yao had left that place so many years ago, keeping someone alive for interrogation, perhaps they could find out some information. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click visiting.
Zi Fei took a glance at the man, and it was then that she realised the battered and exhausted man was the person who tried to escape the fastest, Yan Hai.
Qiao Chu's judgement was considered keen this time.
”This person is the young master of the Sea Spirit City. If you have anything to ask, you should.” Zi Fei said.
Jun Wu Xie quirked her brows, and looked at a shivering Yan Hai as he knelt on the sand.
”Don't…. Don't kill me…. I….I didn't do anything…. Don't kill me…..” Yan Hai knelt on the sand and kept kowtowing and pleading for mercy. That cowardly behavior is unbefitting of his title as a ”Young Master”.
Yan Hai's heart was crying empty tears. He didn't know what sins he committed, he only wanted to stay on the island for a while. How did he provoke so many dreadful people. He obviously didn't do anything wrong. How come he was going to be slaughtered?
”Lift your head.” Jun Wu Xie coldly ordered.