2391 The War Is Coming 2 (1/1)


Jun Wu Xie nodded and said. ”Yeah. If I'm not sure about it, I won't be shifting the battlefield to the Lower Realm.”

Jun Qing nodded his head with his head full of thoughts.

”Uncle, are the cities at the border emptied?” asked Jun Wu Xie.

Jun Qing replied. ”Just as what you asked, they were all emptied, but what are you planning to do? Though the cities you asked me to empty out can be used to avoid the battle and buy us some time, but with the moving speed of the Upper Realm, I'm afraid that they will just pass through those places without using much time. If no forces are sent to repress them, almost no effect will be shown in blocking them.”

Before Jun Wu Xie entered the Spirit World, she specifically asked Jun Qing to empty out few of the cities in the Lower Realm which were located closest to the Middle Realm without leaving out a single person. Jun Qing understood that Jun Wu Xie was planning to let the gold spirits from the Upper Realm to bear the @