1270 Yit 1 (1/2)
The little Emperor sat mournfully on the bed, his big pair of scarlet eyes peeking left and right, as if he was looking for something.
Jun Wu Xie looked at the little Emperor who was finally showing some expression on his face and her heart felt both happy and depressed at the same time.
The little Emperor was looking a lot more lively than before and his eyes were no longer calm and expressionless like still water. But the places where his gaze wandered was rather strange, where he was either staring at the tables and chairs, or the decorative ornaments placed within the room. Jun Wu Xie could not help feeling if she was not standing there, the little Emperor would have already leapt over to them and already swallowed up those things that were inedible.
”Little Jue.” Jun Wu Xie suddenly called out.
The little Emperor did not give much of a reaction but just stood there on one side to look at Jun Wu Xie, suddenly raising up his eyebrows.
[Little Jue….. Jue…..]
”What else do you remember?” Jun Wu Xie did not notice Jun Wu Yao's reaction but closely observing the little Emperor's face.
The little Emperor blinked his eyes and he lowered his head into his shoulders as he looked at Jun Wu Xie.
”…..” Jun Wu Xie was speechless.
Fortunately, it was only a little while more that the servants in the Lin Palace brought in quite a spread of different dishes. Jun Wu Xie tried to get the little Emperor to come to the table and the little Emperor did not resist, allowing himself to be led, to finally sit himself at the table.
”Eat this if you're hungry.” Jun Wu Xie said as she looked at the little Emperor.
The little Emperor looked up at Jun Wu Xie and then turned to look at Jun Wu Yao standing behind her. He hesitated for a while before he slowly lifted his hand and lowered his head to eat.
”What is happening to him now?” Jun Wu Xie asked as her brows furrowed together. It was a good thing that the little Emperor had regained his awareness, but she could not help feeling that something did not feel right.