696 Ominous Clouds Loom 3 (1/2)
Despite the ability to raise your spirit power level to attain the purple spirit employed by people in the Middle Realm, there would still be a huge disparity when compared to the power a true purple spirit commanded, and hence, that was why Gu Ying was reluctant to directly oppose Wen Xin Han.
”Is there a way, to meet with Wen Xin Han?” Jun Wu Xie said slowly.
”Only when Gu Ying is not around, can I leave here. I went out of the Spirit Healer faculty once before, and in the time that I was not here, he killed two of my disciples. Those boys had been with me for such a long time and had addressed me as their Master for just as long. I was really heartbroken that they died so senselessly in Gu Ying's hands.” Gu Li Sheng replied.
”I will draw him away, and you can then go seek Wen Xin Han out. Go tell him, that someone from the Lin Palace wants to see him, and ask him to come to your office at noon tomorrow.” Jun Wu Xie said, looking at Gu Li Sheng.
[At this moment, she needs to ensure that Fan Jin remains safe before she can make her next move.]
”You'll draw him away? But….. wouldn't that be too dangerous?” Gu Li Sheng asked, looking at Jun Xie worriedly.
Jun Wu Xie shook her head. She might not be a match for Gu Ying, but she had not forgotten that she still had Ye Sha. Ye Sha had affirmed that he would be able to take down Gu Ying and Jun Wu Xie did not need to consider anything else.
”Al….. right….” Gu Li Sheng finally nodded solemnly. Although he did not know what Jun Wu Xie intended to do, but a voice inside him was telling him that he would not go wrong listening to Jun Xie.
Jun Wu Xie did not say anything else to Gu Li Sheng to prevent spooking the enemy. She came out of the office quickly and she found Gu Ying staring at her with a big wide smile on his face.
”Finished already?” Gu Ying asked, an eyebrow raised.
Jun Wu Xie looked at him calmly and asked: ”You want to learn Spirit Healing?”