664 At the Bottom of the Cliff 2 (1/2)

She asked Mu Qian Fan to clean Chan Lin Town out of its stock of Spirit Fire Globes.

Due to the exorbitant prices of Spirit Fire Globes, very few places carried stock of them. Although Chan Lin Town was a busy and bustling town, but most of their clientele were only the disciples from the Zephyr Academy, hence it would be difficult to find many of them due to the low demand.

Mu Qian Fan only managed to purchase three of them and they were all from the Chan Lin Auction House, and the prices he paid for them was even higher.

Jun Wu Xie was still holding a batch of low grade spirit stones they had gathered from the Battle Spirits Forest. As only spirit stones that were of a medium grade and above were accepted by the Chan Lin Auction House, the most numerous in number of low grade spirit stones had been left neglected in Jun Wu Xie's Cosmos Sack, but would now just come in handy for their needs.

The Spirit Fire Globe pushed back the darkness at the bottom of the Heaven's End Cliff, creating a small area of brightness.

Hua Yao and Rong Ruo held the other two lights, and they did not hesitate to light them after Jun Wu Xie put the first Spirit Fire Globe to use.

The light from three Spirit Fire Globes finally lit up the nearby surroundings adequately.

And what one look, all of them were dumbfounded!

It was not all firm ground below their feet!

Heaps and heaps of ravaged white skeletons filled the ground around them. Bits of broken bones filled up the gaps between the larger pieces, and the water vapour in the air had frozen the bones together, creating an expanse of firm ”bony land”.

”These….. are from people who lives had been claimed by the Heaven's End Cliff?” Qiao Chu gasped in horror. He had just regained his sight and he had suddenly found himself standing on piles upon piles of bones, his heart almost leapt out of his heart from shock.