411 Defamation 3 (1/2)
Once Jun Xie was thrown out, Li Zi Mu would not have to worry about his lies being exposed anymore. And it would be beneath a revered Master like Gu Li Sheng to get involved in such common disputes between mere disciples besides being shown up as favouring some disciples over others.
So, as long as he could get rid of Jun Xie here, he would forever be seen as the suffering victim!
Sparks flew around the commotion within the dining hall and a faint black mist had started to envelope the little black cat.
Jun Wu Xie's eyes were already icily frosty. Her personality might be rather distant and she did not like to mix with other people, she was however the kind to refuse to back down from humiliation and abuse.
”What are all of you doing there! ?” Suddenly, a shout reverberated throughout the dining hall. The shout sounded like thunder and hurt the ears of everyone within the hall!
A figure streaked past them, coming suddenly to stand beside Jun Xie. The big and tall figure blocked Jun Xie's tiny frame completely from the crowd before Jun Xie, drawing all the unfriendly eyes onto himself.
”Se….. Senior Fan?” The group of youths who had been about to pounce on Jun Xie realised who the tall figure that stood before them was and the frenzied atmosphere immediately subsided.
The towering figure before Jun Xie, blocking the youths' way was none other than Fan Jin!
Fan Jin usual carefree smile had suddenly disappeared without a trace and his face was now dark as thunder, his fiery gaze sweeping over all the youths surrounding Jun Xie.
Fan Jin had just stepped into the dining hall when he had immediately spotted that frail and tiny figure surrounded by a whole group of menacing youths. Seeing such a quiet and withdrawn little boy standing alone and helpless within the aggressive circle of youths evoke Fan Jin's protective nature. He did not hesitate a moment and rushed to stand up against the mob!
”What do you want with Jun Xie?” Fan Jin asked sternly of the unfriendly youths with a frown on his face.
Fan Jin's fierce glare swept over the newly admitted freshmen and they suddenly felt their knees shaking before the towering senior before them.
They knew who Fan Jin was! He came in fourth in the last Spirit Battle Tournament! Throughout the whole Zephyr Academy, the only people who were able to best him in battle, numbered only three!