131 This is Just the Beginning 5 (1/2)

Jun Xian took a deep breath, getting the full picture, and was amazed at the intricately laid out plans of Jun Wu Xie.

How old was she?

It was terrifying, even though this was his own granddaughter.

The little girl who kept herself holed up at home, was much more decisive, and capable than many men he knew, how deep was this girl?

Jun Wu Xie did not kill with her own hands, but her orders had caused a sea of bloodshed in the Imperial City.

Not just Jun Xian, bothe Jun Qing and Mo Qian Yuan were both shocked by Jun Wu Xie's control of all that happened.

Mo Qian Yuan looked at Jun Wu Xie in awe, feeling a deep sense of relief.

Fortunately for him, he had been allied with Jun Wu Xie. Otherwise, he would have died under her hands sooner or later.

”You….. wanted me here, not just to hear all this, but to protect me. Am I right?” Mo Qian Yuan suddenly realised.

Jun Wu Xie just looked at him in silent consent.

”You knew, after all that happened tonight, he will be resentful. He will not dare to retaliate against the Lin Palace, but will try to get rid of me if I had remained at the Crown Prince Residence seeing that we have shown ourselves to be allied. I am now targeted and you invited me here on the pretext of discussion of future plans to protect me from him! Right?” Mo Qian Yuan persisted.

The Lin Palace had torn all bridges in their relations with the Imperial Family, and the Emperor had never shown Mo Qian Yuan any favours. Moreover, Mo Qian Yuan had been seeing Jun Wu Xie frequently, he would definitely act to rid himself of the thorn in his side.