Chapter 87 - Some one gets busted. Not Edited. (1/2)
author note- chapter was in wrong location. Takes place before the last.
-A few hours later-
”So many kids..” Pana said looking out. She looked to the side at a portal that connected to those in the other two villages. ”Definitely have been busy.”
”Yeah..” Kai scratched his chin. ”A lot of things happened. Well you know that already. So go ahead and start. This is everyone with my blood or has been changed by me. Minus a few that life is not part of this of course. Those who will never really change.”
”Right. So... are you going to create a Pantheon and rule?” Kai shook his head no. ”Good. You would not last long before becoming a Tyrant. That leads to straight becoming a Devil.”
”Do it! Papa become a Devil! With fangs and stuff.” Three little boys and two girls start to pretend to bite at Kai with fangs. ”We can be the Devil Dogs!” Each of them said at the time. The synchro from the five speech drives Kai crazy at times. He swears they share a mind with each other.
”Ok Quints settle down.” Kai said softly. His voice was lace with chakra. It caused a slight whistling sound to go out. It let the children know it was something serious going on. The Quints then ran and jumped on him. Runt was on top of his head. the girls hung from his shoulders and the other two boys hung from his lifted arms. ”Do continue Pana.”
”Hehe ok.” Pana smilled at them then turned to the countless others. ”Some of you will never reach past your father's current strength. That is because of how limited this World is. But since you plan on leaving that will be fine. ”Good news, your seals that have limited your strength is good. With Kai finally finishing his Path and becoming powerful, he can can keep you all from destroying each other.”
”Umm why would we do that?” Chrysa said. ”Not all the kinds are violent.”
”Because of Kai. Because of what we represent. Which is Pandemonium.” Pana said. ”Kai was suppose to absorb me and take my knowledge as his own. But he return me instead. ”That is not really the norm for our ”kind” specifically. We pass the Aspect on to the next deserving. But a change is not bad. Each of you has one formed or forming. You can let the power guide you to the person in the future .. or chose yourself.”
”You two are really not siblings. More of like.. Yah know what, no. Just no. I am not thinking about it anymore.” Anko said. ”This is a weird bit of info. Always weird info when dealing with your family.”
”Haa because you are from this World and I am both from here and not from here.” Kai said with a little chuckle. His kids were moving about antsy. ”We will stay here for another few years and wrap some things up. Then leave for those who want to. For those who want to stay, they can stay. I will not force you to come with. The same how some of the others left before.”
”Yeah... but some of them died. Killed and hunted by missing ninja from other countries.” Anko said.
”Well not much to do about that.” Tsume said. ”They over estimated themselves and turned their back.. well on Kai. They paid the price.”
”Haaa so we become weaker if we break ties with you. How shitty is that.” Kisame said. ”But then again we gain power from you so their is that. They were what, jonin rank right?”
”Yes.” Kai said shaking his head. ”Changes that were made to some of you, they reverse slowly the more you pull away from me. Or in some cases turn against me. Do not look at me like that Chrysa, that comes with the power itself. I am glad it works that way. I am not about letting my enemies become stronger from me.”
”I see, but they were married to you.” Chrysa said frowning. ”I understand they wanted to leave but couldn't you have done something more?”
”I made sure they were healthy and had medicine to take care of themselves.” Kai shook his head. His son on top, laughing as he enjoyed the turning and shaking. ”They made their decision. Would you rather I kebt locked up in the compound doing things instead.”
”Yes! They would be alive then.” Chrysa snapped. ”What is the point of this strength and power if you do not use it?”
”Tch.” Tsume smacked her teeth. She was a little angry at the other woman's statement. ”We have been. The amount we have stopped already is way more than what we should have gotten involved in. We can not waste ninja and resources on those who do not want to stay. As well as does who do not want to help with things.”
”They left but their sons and daughters remained. That is something they did right at least.” Kari added in. ”Does not mean we wont look for them still. Especially with the info Kai recently obtained. All the bodies have not been recovered. We will still continue the search. At our side will be their final resting place.”
”Right. I am sorry.” Chrysa said. ”Just feels like we don't have control of everything anymore.”
”Because you dont. That is life.” Pana said. ”But enough of that. In the next few years, I will teach you all control for you can enjoy a normal life as well as an extraordinary one. From what I can tell from Kai, that does not mean you are allowed to be weak. So I will help with chakra control. Unlike this one,” she pointed at Kai. ”I have complete control of my higher powers. For the actual fighter's I will have you at the rank of Kage in no time kiddos. For the a.d.u.l.ts' lets just say I will make so Kai will have trouble fighting you all at once.”
”Oh, I like her a lot.” Tsume said. ”Can you give me a hand with some of my clansmen? Kai has been a little to rough with them.” Pana nodded curtly. ”Good. Anyway behave quints. Or I will make sure we head to the desert for rough training.”
”Booh desert training sucks mama.” The girls hanging on Kai said. They did a swing on his arms before jumping towards their mother. ”But we will behave.” Tsume nodded and left. A bunch of the others left on their way as well.
”Anui & Rea come here.” Kai said to the two girls. They rolled on the ground an popped up. ”Toma, Jorro, do not start fighting.” He looked at the two boys by his legs. He spoke right as they were about to start acting up. Only behaved one was Ricklen or Runt he liked to call him. ”Get cleaned up, it is your turn for a story tonite.”
”Yay!” Jorro said. Like every Inuzuka he had spiky hair. And a lot of it. He did however have Kai's disposition. That and the dark red hair. ”Tell the story of the Sith Empire!”
”No screw that! Tell the story of the Jedi revival.” Anui countered. ”She shared her mother's aggressiveness. Anyone that disagreed with her, had trouble on their hands. It did not help she spoke like Karin and knew how to get to people's secret. And she was stealthy and had quick hands. Really quick hands. ”You filthy little Sith lover.”
”Humph! Better than a psycho Jedi plebian!” Rea said. She was the snarky type and loved to pick an argument apart. Much to the amus.e.m.e.nt of the a.d.u.l.ts who tried to enforce rules with any meaning. Kai had to take her with him several times to explain things. ”You Jedi are useless!”
”Enough already.” Runt said getting down. ”If we keep arguing, papa wont tell us any story.” He was the mediator of the group. Always finding common ground. But that did not mean he was not a fighter. He loved to kick things. Especially steel balls at training dummy's. His hair was spiky, but the ponytail he tied it in kept it contained.
”Last one to clean up has to clean the bathroom!” Toma said. He sped off leaving his siblings behind. Always rushing into things, never waiting once his mind was made up. He looked just like Kiba when he was younger. He had Kai's eye though.
”That dirty little.” Rea said grumbling. She sped off past Kai and the rest. Runt as the last to leave.
”Your kids are... something else.” Pana said. ”Even the other 27 who didn't really speak. The others whispered enough for me to hear. They are happy you have gotten stronger. Kids love seeing their parents strong. Except...”
”Except the children in the Frost village.” Kai said smiling. ”They view me differently than the other Kai. It is because of the time and our appearance. His white hair and his now dark purple eyes with the pink ring in them. To different than my own. It will be fixed soon.”
”Bweem!” A portal opened and the other Kai stepped out. Both touched hands and refused back togethor.
”Haa better. Much better.” The air churned from the increase in chakra. Whole Kai's power was terrifying. ”Much, much better.”
”Hey! You better not stay like that!” Mastica yelled coming out the portal. ”I rather not have to stay in the Leaf village.” She looked at the others and waved.
”No, just to help with something.” Kai eyes glowed as he let loose a wave of chakra. ”Take this Chrysa and follow Tsume's lead when she comes back.”
”Woom, woom, woom!” A map appeared. The material was completely made from chakra. On it was images of people. Formed from the info he gathered. The bodies moved on the map effortless in a way that was not natural.
”I have no idea how to use this.” Chrysa said. ”How do you use it?”
”You will figure it out. Time is wasting.” Kai said. His tone was a little cold. On the back of the map was his symbol of Cruelty. It formed the map. The people were that of those he was hunting, searching, or trying to find. ”Hah I can not read it either. Something in my mind is stopping it.”
”That is Pandemonium at work.” Pana said. ”You can not always have it easy. It will not let you. Moe so because you need to let them work more.” She pointed at Chrysa and Anko. ”They are... lazy. But oh well. Tsume and Kari are making you stronger here. As well as those other women.” Flashing her eyes at Mastica she scanned the woman and smiled. ”Oh that is nice. I really like this one.”
”What does that mean?” Mastica asked. Kai just shrugged. ”I a female companion but I do not like women like that. So no.”
”Did not mean it like that.” Pana said shaking her head. ”I like men only. But I could not mind sitting down and talking with you privately. A little woman talk is all.”
”Right.... sure. Not today though. Have to do some things with the husband once he separates again.” Mastica said. Kai looked at her and shook. Slowly the other him pulled back out. ”Great!” Mastica wrapped Kai in her chakra, and puled him into the portal. ”By see you all in a few years!”
”Well that was something.” Kai shook his head. ”So many different thoughts. But the Frost village is doing fine. I cannot believe he saved Doomsday.” Thinking for a bit, Kai remembered about Kara Zor-El. ”Oh crap Kara.”
”I will take her with me. Kari set up a place for me to stay at. It is in the Senju compound area. Something about helping to build relations there. I doubt it will work. Especially, since I can feel your animosity building there.”
”I am working through it.” Kai said somberly. ”Anyway, going to go read the kiddos a story. TenTen, Karin are you two ok with everything?”
”Um yes Karin said. I will talk to you tomorrow.” She walked up and gave Kai a hug. She then walked away. ”I am sleepy.”
”Who cares what you are or where your soul comes from. You are my papa. That is what matters.” TenTen said looking at Kai and the others. ”I am with you no matter what. Same as mama Hisa. I wish she was here instead of the other village. But that is how things work. I still have mama Pakura, Kari and the others. So I am good. Just never betray me Papa. Always come back for me.”
”Of course I will my little General.” Kai said to her. ”Always and forever. Oh, do you want to return to your real height or stay like this?”
”I will stay like this. It is fun. Especially when I tease the others.” TenTen smiled. Kai gave her a strange look. She stopped him from prying. ”Nothing, noting. Have my secrets. Night everyone.”
With her gone, Pana talked with the rest. Kai went to read the kids a story. Then a walk or a fly to clear his head.
TenTen was out looking for Naruto. She tried to use her senses to pinpoint his signature chakra after just wandering around aimlessly. However, another signature matched Naruto's. It was something odd that needed to be looked into. To use her x-ray vision would have been horrible. To many people in the area. She just wanted to spend a little time with him. To show a new technique she learned. She needed to pay a little more attention to her support abilities like Ino does.
Stopping at the park she closed her eyes and focused on her ears. A few breaths later she was calm and started to communicate with Chompers who crawled out of her hair. Slowly tattoos formed on her hands. This was the only way TenTen could use her chakra sense without letting out to much power. Control was still something she lost out on. Especially with her recent increase in strength.
”Fwoosh!” With a quick step, TenTen around in a spot with Naruto not to far away.
”Hey Naruto. What are you.. doing.. here? Why is Jiraiya here?” TenTen asked quietly. As if speaking lower would make this image disappear. ”You have to be supervised when he is near.”
”I.. welll..I.” Naruto stumbled his words. Seeing as the secret was out, he had no choice but to come clean. ”He is training me, as well as telling me stories about my dad.”
”What!?” TenTen said question him angry. Her chakra spiked for a bit. She then saw the scroll to the side with Naruto's signature. ”You signed it!”