Chapter 11 - Damn meteorites.... dont these have some kind of importance in this world? (1/2)

Rushing at the one arm man. He felt a sense of vertigo. This, in turn, caused him to slip.

The thing about a Kryptonian slipping it doesn't end well. Kai-La literally went right through the man. If one imagined a wrecking ball smacking an elephant it would have been less gory.

”You monster!” The first ninja said as he made a few hand seals. Purple tangible chakra formed around his hands as he charged at Kai-La. Almost all power no control.

'Why the hell did I trip?' Kai-La thought to himself. Looking at his chakra, he noticed some strange pieces of foreign chakra had entered his body. 'When the hell did this happen!?'

Kai-La dodged left and right from the ninja. Noticing the other had finished his technique preparation he stepped to the side of the first ninja just in time. The second ninja fired a purple net. As it went out landing around the first who couldn't move fast enough.

”Argh, you fool!” The first ninja yelled as the net burned his face and neck. ”We will talk about this later!”

”Sorry, sir!” The second said. ”Where did he go?”

”You won't talk about this later!” Kai-La said as he performed hand signs and channeled the foreign chakra from his system in a quick technique. ”Lightstyle: Laser show!”

Several arcs of purple lights fired out of Kai-La's mouth. Both ninjas placed guards up but it lasted mere moments as the beams of light tore through the shields.

”Huff, huff. I can't believe I screwed up so bad.” Kai-La said as he moved forward to the north. ”Should have scanned the air first it was stupid and careless.”

When Kai-La absorbed the sunlight earlier, it was tainted. The air was saturated with the chakra from the meteorites. As well as the sunlight rays.

'Ugh, this is a first for my body. This chakra does not agree with me. In a few hours, I will have my Kryptonian abilities back and this won't happen again. But in the meantime, this is a good way to use my actual ninja abilities.' Kai-La thought as he traversed the area. He then mic into his group.

”Report. What did you all find?” Kai-La asked the teams.

”Gemini reporting. We have found a water well with several dead grass ninja. The bodies have been left alone but we have marked the location.” Gemini said formally.

”Cerebus reporting. Several dead chakra beasts have been found on route. We have no idea what cut through them. Increase the pace to the others or continue on steady approach.?” Cerebus asked.

”Stay steady. Enemy ninja in the area. Stay on alert. Enemy combatants identified as Star village ninja.” Kai-La reported as he speeds up to the next area.

”What the hell is a star village?” Comet asked.

”I will fill you in another time. Be advised their skills are poor but at the chunin rank. Chakra power is at the level of Jonin. If forced to engage, team up. Do not take on solo.” Kai-La said as he focused on what was now ahead of him.

”Understood.” The comms sounded from each of them.

'I need to remember the techniques again. I need to go over my body abilities again. Hopefully, that wish will help pull those other moves back to the forefront of my mind.' Kai-La thought.

One hour later he stopped at an encirclement. The encirclement was set up with trees. Burnt out grass and dead beast littered the area. In the center, a mass of human flesh could be found pulling in on itself. Tendrils reached out absorbing several other smaller chakra beasts.

'I need to get a better look. Damn, I wish my eyes were better. No choice.' Kai-La thought. He used a burst of his sunlight chakra on his eyes to magnify his vision.

In the front, a woman could be seen with extremely pale skin. She was dressed in black with red marks on the back.

”Report back to the Leaf village! Tell the Hokage! Tailed beast level incident! Stop at nothing to reach there. Kill any foreign ninja that gets in your way. If you run into any of our ninjas tell them that shitty star chakra is causing trouble.” Kai-La said to the others. 'Hopefully, they run into Asuma's team on the way back.'

”Chkk chk chhkk.” nothing but static came through.

'Akatsuki here. No f.u.c.k.i.n.g way! Then again... the timeline is f.u.c.k.e.d so there is that. No, wait those aren't clouds. Are those snakes eating other.' Kai-La thought as he started to fall back after his vision returned to normal. 'One thing that came from this. I can tell the path for my chakra to travel in the eyes. This little period can help with sight improvement. Should help with my plans later.'

”Boof.” A shockwave of chakra traveled the area knocking Kai-La further back and out of his musings...

Going back over he looked in the center. The mass had changed. It now looked like a man somewhat. The flesh looked like bark. Dry bark with weird veins that traveled along with it. But the eye it looked completely blank. A white eye gazed over the trees. A silhouette rushed out closing the distance between Kai-La and itself.

As soon as it made contact with him he froze in place. A blast of energy hit Kai-La in the c.h.e.s.t. Kai-La squirmed. It didn't pierce his flesh but something else. It pierced through to his very soul.

”F.u.c.k off!” Kai-La screamed and blasted it back with light chakra.

”Rawwr” It growled. ”Skree” the creature reeled in pain. The head? moved to look down. As it looked at its decaying form. The beast took two steps back.

”Nah yah bastard get back here!” Kai-La screamed at it. ”Light style: Heaven descent!” A small pillar of light came down onto the creature. In seconds it turned to a medium pillar then into a large pillar. About 6 feet wide killing the creature.

At least he thought so at first.

”Huff..huff. what the hell is this thing?” Kai-La asked. He looked to the woman. ”What is going on here?”

”How did you do that?” She asked. ”There shouldn't be any more light chakra users left in the world besides me.”

”Yeah, not gonna say,” Kai-La said as he put his guard back up. Looking around he didn't see any more meteorites. But something told him to be on guard.

”Very well if you won't say that's fine. This will give me enough time before it reforms to finish the seal.” The woman said as she started some hand seals forming a small barrier of light.

”Grraaaww,” the very air trembled as a howl came from nowhere. The creature came back reforming into a human man again. Less mass but more features. Purple chakra traveled towards the beast from the surroundings.

”Keep it busy for me.” The woman said. She made more seals but faster.

”What the hell do I get out of this?” Kai-La asked. He could feel some power returning but not fast enough.

”I will give you anything you want just keep it busy. It may be a remnant of 10-tails. A by-product of its flesh but it will rip this world apart.” The woman said.

'Well let's try changing my hand cells to deterioration.' Kai-La thought as he charged at the creature. ”Did you just say 10 ten-tails!? You should have said so from the beginning.” Dodging a blast of chakra he flickered over it. ”You should lead with the important stuff don't you think?”

”Boom.” A small shockwave went out. The creature slid back a few feet. Kai-La fist connected with its jaw. The creature reeled back a little bit. It moved its hand forward into a tendril whip.

”Whack.” The blow caused Kai-Las knees to buckle. Gritting his teeth he endured as he channeled chakra to alleviate the pain. With each blow, Kai-La anger rose. His eyes started to glow with his heat ray. It died down moments later when a wave of purple gas came from the mouth of the creature.

Creating some distance from the gas. Kai-La performed some hand seals as he stayed close to the creature. ”Lightstyle: Light hooks!” A series of hooks formed in the air grabbing the beast. It struggled and fought back as a new hook grabbed it by the mouth and circled its head before penetrating the ground.

”Huff, Huff, hurry up. This gas still doesn't agree with me!” Kai-La yelled to the woman. 'I vastly underestimated the power of that star chakra. My body is in terrible shape.'

After a minute of struggling the rope tensed and started to break.

”Give me a few more minutes.” The woman said. 'The seal is ready but I can't tell him that. I need to continue to observe him. Someone capable of taking on ten-tail remnants is definitely worth knowing.'

Ducking down Kai-La barely managed to get away from its claws. The jaw started to deteriorate at a slow pace.

”Woosh.” The air was cut with a swipe of its hand. Using that chance Kai-La punched it in its c.h.e.s.t.

The creature's c.h.e.s.t had a little dent. It unhollowed out but still broke down cell wise.

The creature reached out extending its claws trying to grab Kai-La or pierce him. Its accuracy was terrible. But that was not its real intent.