517 Chapter 517, Six Magics, is it a common sense? (1/2)
Yan La is simple explanation, now the situation.
The six-magical general, due to Nirvana, has become a kind person, and will be released from the original dark surface.
At the same time, he also informs the ability to pay, all of them.
In this way, the people understand why this six magical generals will suddenly join their team.
”The original Nirvana also has the ability to distorted personality, and still permanently, as long as it is in the dark, it will never reply.
And this transformation, the same effect on the people who have originally dark,.
Because as long as his inner heart, there is a little light, it will be completely enlarged, and finally engulf the entire darkness.
Only pure darkness, as well as pure light, or strong people who are strong enough to offset this impact, right? ”
Summer Lulu analysis is very correct.
Although she is a cat, it is much more intelligent than Habi in my mind.
Yan La also nodded, saying that it is such a thing.
However, their current situation is not optimistic.
Although Carl is destroying Nirvana, there is a very powerful existence of the six magic generals.
That is the people of the head!
If the Six Devils are all defeated, the personality in this will be exposed and destroy everything.
That personality, there is no feeling of people, there is no purpose, it is purely to destroy!
And his magic is more than the sum of the generals of the Six Devils!
Such a powerful force, even if the six magic generals must fear three points.
And the six magic generals have seven people, is this not a common sense?
that's all.
Their group quickly moved forward and wanted to inform Carl.
But just at this time.
Nirvana suddenly took a explosion!
Powerful waves, let them have to squin their eyes and launch magic for protection.
Wait until they once again blink.
Huge Nirvana has disappeared!
Staying in the same place, there is only one of the huge deep pit.
”Is this the power of love, can you still destroy Nirvana, this guy is a monster?”
Heteri is also one of the original six magic generals. At this time, it is shocked, standing in Karl in the sky.
He completely watched the power of Carl, so it would be so surprised.
And he found someone to find someone, if he was on the words of Shangkar, it will definitely be killed!
with no doubt!
His current power can be hit by the end of the Ten Ten, but if you encounter Carl, then there is no living road.
So he is also a bit fortificant, and it is , did not let him do it, otherwise Heteri is now universities.
”It's evil, I haven't waited for us to shoot, how can this thing fry?
Carl! Do you have a good job like this! ”
The Naz gray face has never climbed up, and his face is full of indignation.
Obviously, he felt angry because he did not participate in this.
Naz is such a personality.
So Karl is not intended.
It is the Gray next to it, very calmly patted the dust on the body, and then the eyes of Wing Wo.
”, why will this six magic generals are here?”
I heard the inquiry, Jira had to explain this matter again.