340 Chapter 340 ! Meow meow meow? (1/2)

Still at night.

A desolate desert.

There is a hammer that looks not very eye-catching, standing quietly in the pit.

Around this hammer, static electricity.

Miaolmir is abbreviated.

It is the hammer of thunder.

This handle is covered with O'Don 's power.

If someone wants to be a hammer, O'Dendine will play its role.

There is only no qualified person, just lose this handle.

This is the ban on Odin!

The purpose is to prevent someone from stealing this handle to the hammer of Thunder God.

But I didn't think of Odin.

At this time, three people suddenly appeared around the hammer of Thunder.

He is headed by Carl, and he took the lead in trials in front of the hammer.

Did not take it.

Even if he is exhausted and not taken.

But he did not care, but directly using the ability to float fruit, then the hammer flew into Carl's hands.

”this one?”

Carl disdainfully raised the hammer of Thunder, try to summon the thunder.

But unfortunately, he is not qualified to pick up the hammer, but rely on the ability of fluttering fruit, cheating picking up a hammer.

”Luo, you tried it, can you pick up the hammer, tell the truth, this hammer, still a bit fun.”

Karl was thrown away, throw the hammer into the ground.

Luo I did it, I can't pull it, which made him a little surprised.

”It's a magical hammer, it seems that you don't have some means, it's really not.”

Luo Tongye did not take advantage of the ability, expand the ROOM position, using the baton, stabilize it in your hand.

However, he also tried to wave and did not summon the thunder.

”When I am, I am here! Hey!”

Yintel smiled and licking his hand. Rules put the hammer in the ground and retired one step back.

Carl and Luo I thought that Indill could not get it.

But they are all wrong!

Yintel drums his face and pulls up!

She is directly exhausted, and she is down.

The hammer of Raytheon was taken in his hand.

The three people present are some of them, and I don't know what the situation is.

”Carl adult, don't you use my ability?”

”Don't make trouble, I didn't do anything.”

”So what about Roother? You don't use your ability?”

”Of course, I can't help me, I can't help you, let alone I have canceled the Room force farm.”

Carl and Luo looked at each other and then understood it.

In Tier is really qualified, take the hammer of thunder!

Because her mind is simple, I just want to sing, and serve Carl, there is no other incomplete mind.

Although she did not justice, there was no spirit of the Knights.

But she is very harmful, one heart, and has been received by the hammer, and then be approved by the hammer.

Now she waves the hammer of Thunder, summoning a few centimeters, thunderstorm, is the best evidence.

Only the strength of Yintel itself is not very strong.

These Thunders are also thin and short, no feelings.

But Yintel has a very embarrassing, because Carl and Luo can't get a hammer, she can take it.

This makes her very excited, and even caught Carl and Luo Shu.

Carl looked at the hammer and played Yuri, the taste smiled.

”Odin, I saw this scene, I am very curious about your expression!”



Oddin, which is sleeping in Otind, the corner of the eye is not convulsive.

Although he fell into a sleep, he saw everything outside the world.