Chapter 1147: Absolute Astonishment (1/2)

“Me?” Tianqi looked dumbly at his master.

“That’s right, you.” Lu Yun nodded with a smile. “Mount Tai is a mountain of two worlds and suppresses the five hells. I don’t know what the other four hells are, but they’re likely on par with the Hadal Hell. One Mount Tai can suppress five hells, and you’re its god, so what does that make you?”

“I…” Tianqi blinked rapidly and chuckled ruefully. “I don’t know either. Bashe targeted me the moment my consciousness was born. If it wasn’t for your appearance, master, I’d be dead long ago.”

“What’s yours is yours, no one can take it away from you.” Lu Yun shook his head. “Perhaps the moment the five hells are gathered is the moment your true self returns.”

“Then I’ll find the other four and destroy one of them!” The light of resolution shone out of Tianqi’s eyes. With Mount Tai in his grasp, destroying one of the five hells was an easy task.

“It might not be a bad thing to find your true self again.” Lu Yun chuckled when he read his disciple’s expression. “Alright now, it’s time to meld the nine worlds of the Hadal Hell into the world of immortals.”

The greatest secret of this hell definitely had something to do with Tianqi. Lu Yun was certain that his disciple’s true self would return once the five hells were gathered together again. It was apparent from the fact that Tianqi exercised absolute authority in the Hadal Hell, just as Lu Yun did in the kingdom of hell. That Lu Yun was able to do the same in this hell was due to the Tome of Life and Death.

“Mm.” Tianqi nodded gently.

A concentrated crimson light exploded out of Mount Tai once more and enveloped the nine worlds within this hell, drawing in dense energy of a world from all directions to the mountain. The power of Mount Tai could now affect all of those worlds.

“This Hadal Hell…” Shock flitted across Tianqi’s face. “It was refined from nine worlds like ours!”

“Eh?” Lu Yun blinked and looked at his disciple.

Tianqi was now connected to the Hadal Hell through Mount Tai, so everything about this place was readily available to his consciousness. He’d once been the ruler of this realm and created everything here, but now he was only Tianqi, Lu Yun’s third disciple.

“They were nine worlds that had swallowed the chaos, devoured the Hongmeng, and reached the fourth realm!” Tianqi’s voice cracked. “After they expanded to the fourth realm and reached its level of evolution, their inhabitants were on par with those of the fourth realm! However, someone destroyed them all and refined them into the Hadal Hell.”

Or maybe even Tianqi’s true self had destroyed them to refine them into this hell.

Lu Yun inhaled sharply, his expression flickering rapidly through various thoughts.

“Master… do you really think we’ll succeed? Even if we defeat the chaos creatures and those bastards with ill intent in the Hongmeng, will we be able to shake off this misfortune?” Tianqi’s voice trembled. “Many of the prisoners that you released earlier come from these nine worlds. They were all premier existences of the fourth realm.”

“I don’t know.” Lu Yun shrugged. “But I do know that if we work hard in that direction, that will grant us a sliver of hope. If we hide in here and do nothing, then there really will be no future for us.”

“Agreed!” Tianqi nodded emphatically, a light dancing intermittently in his eyes.

“Don’t you worry, the five hells won’t be gathered together. After today, the Hadal Hell will become a footnote in history.” Lu Yun naturally knew what his disciple was thinking about.

Tianqi started.

“Let’s get started, dragging things out leads to unexpected changes.”
