Chapter 623: Victim of Ones Own Misdeeds (1/2)
A corner of hell was hidden in the space behind the Gates of the Abyss! The gates that the fragment projected was an entrance to that corner of hell. If Lu Yun could find the fragment’s location, he would be able to return the corner back to hell proper.
Right now, although his own gates sensed the call of the fragment, it was nowhere to be found. It was as if the shard lay hidden within fold after fold of space.
“It’s the palace coffin!” he suddenly realized. “The fragment of the gate has been forged into a palace coffin for the Exalted Divine royal. The royal in question was buried in hell… no wonder this lineal tomb is so terrifying.”
A typical lineal tomb that turned into a weapon tended to curse those of the lineage, not exude such an intense aura of terror. If that Exalted Divine royal was buried in a corner of hell, then it only made sense that the manor outside would manifest hellish power.
If such power was altered and fused with the environment around it—and the ghostly force of the dead royal factored in—the result would surpass hell and evolve in a different direction.
The current Lu Yun could feel that power, but he was incapable of significantly affecting it. The hell that his Tome of life and Death commanded was only the fragment in his possession.
The Gates of the Abyss towered majestically over them. Despite its illusory nature, it radiated a cold, almost animalistic aura that was much more befitting of a savage netherworld monster.
The Road of the Dead twisted its way in. Right in front of the gates was a patch of reddish dirt, as if stained by the blood of living creatures.
“There’s bodily remains here.” Qing Yu came to a halt. She lowered her head toward the corpses strewn about, frowning down at them.
“Arcane dao immortals from Enlightened Major… why did they die here, of all places?” Lu Yun’s Spectral Eye filled him in immediately. “They were killed by a stone spirit…”
Among other things, his death art told him about their cause of death. These immortals had died to a stone spirit before making it to the gates. The stone spirit that’d murdered them was much stronger than the one he’d encountered before.
“Careful, there’s more than one stone spirit here,” he cautioned the others.
The four humans were already huddled up. Within Qing Yu’s bosom, the little fox didn’t dare show its head.
“Wait a minute… if those people from the Exalted court delivered us here, maybe they don’t know I have the Scroll of Shepherding Immortals on me?” A question popped into Qing Yu’s mind. “If I’m to die here, the scroll will never make its way back to the outside world, right?”
Though neither she nor Lu Yun knew what the Exalted Immortal Sect needed the scroll for, it was plain to see that the treasure was very important to them.
“They’re just small fry. How would they know what’s important and what’s not? By now, the senior council of the court and sect have likely already punished them and are trying to rescue us as we speak,” Lu Yun snorted in derision.
It was as he predicted: outside, Exalted immortals from both the sect and court had already arrived at the lineal tomb and were setting up a formation of pure yang to extricate them safely.
Those of Zhao Chong’s subordinates responsible for the fiasco had already been executed under the Exalted emperor’s palm strike.