Chapter 560: Yu Hengluos Flesh (1/2)

“What’s that sound, and why is there water here?” Several nearby immortals pricked up their ears.

“What’s that sweet smell?” Standing close to Lu Yun, Zhang Shuo suddenly took a deep breath, a touch of mesmerization appearing on his face.

“Beautiful… what beautiful colors...” In just a few breaths, all of the immortals in the group fell into a strange state of entrancement and their faces began blurring.

“Wake up!!” Lu Yun bellowed fiercely. A gout of black flame burst from his body and hurtled toward a random corner of the void.

It seemed to hit some sort of shadow, eliciting a piercing scream. The immortals jerked violently and broke away from the strange trance they were in.

“Wh- what was that just now?!” Zhang Shuo’s expression contained a touch of horror. He could clearly sense that his soul had been significantly weakened.

“This is how the faceless ghosts come to be.” Lu Yun heaved a small sigh of relief. His guess was right; that thing could be suppressed by hellfire, which made it likely a real ghost.

“Senior brother Lu, that thing just now… it looked like a woman,” Jing Huaci said carefully from beside him.

“You weren’t affected by it?”  Lu Yun blinked.

The girl shook her head.

“A woman…” Lu Yan looked at the mountain before him.

Sparkling with a faint sheen of silver, countless faceless ghosts crawled over its surface. The foul stench of so many corpses effectively concealed the presence of treasure and made it so that the Treasurefall Coin could sense the mountain, but not its location.

Roughly three hundred meters tall, the mountain’s silver brilliance struggled to peek through the teeming hordes of faceless ghosts.

“The mountain is the time treasure!” A touch of excitement appeared on Zhang Shuo’s face. “Where the silver light touches is the domain of the treasure! It’s affecting how time flows here!”

However, his expression changed again in the next moment. He’d finally seen through the silver radiance and noticed the horde of faceless ghosts on the mountain.

A mass of red slowly floated up from the foot of the mountain, speaking in a wispy, eerie voice, “Sect Head… You’re finally… here!”

“Sect Head? You’re…” Lu Yun’s eyes widened with incomprehension. Upon closer inspection, he realized that the red mass was actually a human body that’d had its skin peeled away and its facial features carved off!

With further scrutiny came the identification… it’s Yu Hengluo! This was her flesh!

Her skin…

He turned his gaze to the rear of the bloody flesh, seeing a sheet of human skin nailed onto a ghastly white cross, and next to it, a Skinning Spike. Her eyes, nose, tongue, and ears lay on the ground next to the cross.

“What happened here?!” Lu Yun frowned deeply when he saw the state that Yu Hengluo was in. He’d instructed her to stay behind in the chamber, protected by not only his bronze lamp, but also Wayfarer. So how could this have happened?!

However, his eyes then flitted to the extinguished bronze lamp and broken bamboo staff beside her.

“Sect Head… this servant hurts…”
