Chapter 344: Dragon Whelp (1/2)

“Who’s that!” Every hair on Situ Yun’s body stood up at the sound.

This safe spot was the handiwork of a Star Demon Sect dao immortal. Without the sect’s specialized techniques, outsiders wouldn’t even notice this place’s existence, much less be able to enter. And without that assurance of security, he wouldn’t have spoken his sect’s secrets so plainly. An unwelcome guest was unfathomable and most alarming!

Turning, Situ Yun caught sight of a deathly pale man in a black robe. The stranger stalked toward him with a deliberate, malicious smile.

Blood immediately drained from Situ Yun’s face, and he extended his arms protectively, standing in front of Lu Yun and Qing Han. The man in black was an aether dao immortal, but even that was more than enough to overwhelm him.

“Don’t worry.” Lu Yun patted Situ Yun lightly on the shoulder.

Fire flashed across his palm, accompanied by something’s pained shriek. Situ Yun felt a great weight lift from his body, like a sinister cloud had departed from him. He recovered his composure in the next instant and looked inquisitively at his savior.

“Don’t worry, he’s already dead. No living person can cross that barrier,” Lu Yun intoned calmly.

“What did you say?!” The black-robed dao immortal blinked in surprise, then snorted. “Are you mad, Lu Yun? Have you started raving in your delirium?”

“Some people have a hard time realizing they’re dead… somehow, they’ve fooled themselves into thinking they’re still alive.”

Gazing thoughtfully at the dao immortal, Lu Yun exhaled wistfully. A tiny, pitch-black dragon whelp lay upon black-robe’s back. Even as he spoke, it was sucking the dao immortal’s soul and spirit out of his body, little by little.

Although a dao immortal had a refined true spirit that could persist beyond the disintegration of his soul, the black dragon whelp’s unchecked consumption of the entire essence of his being was going completely unnoticed. Much like a greedy parasite, its work would cease only when its host had nothing left to offer.

A person’s entire existence hinged on the persistence of their true spirit, along with their three ethereal and seven corporal soul-parts. What would happen once those were gone?

A similar whelp had been latched onto Situ Yun earlier, but the attachment had clearly been rather recent: only one ethereal and two corporal soul-parts had been affected. After Lu Yun burned the parasite away, the soul-parts had returned to their rightful owner.

The remaining whelp glared at Lu Yun through its blood-red eyes, clearly wary of the human youth. It had seen the death of its comrade beneath his fingers all too clearly.

Two black embers flared from Lu Yun’s eyes, eliciting a violent tremor from the whelp. With a meal-finishing slurp and a flick of its tail, it vanished into the void.

“You….” The dao immortal was interrupted mid-sentence as he felt his consciousness sink into an endless darkness.


The man keeled over to the ground, unmoving and unbreathing.

Situ Yun’s eyes widened. An aether dao immortal had died without so much as a whimper… and he had no idea how!

Qing Han glanced at his friend.

“Take this talisman.” Lu Yun handed over a crystal talisman. “It involves my greatest secret,” he transmitted. “If anyone else gets their hands on it, I won’t have a single safe place left in the world.”

His Spectral Eye could see through life and death; no ghost or specter in the world could hide their existence or identities from him. If anyone at all knew about his power, he’d become the target of countless immortals from all over the world of immortals.