Chapter 95: Luring the Snake out of the Hole (1/2)

After Qing Han’s departure, there seemed to be an emptiness in Lu Yun’s heart, like he’d lost something. He should be back for a visit in five months. We’ll eat and drink together then!

Five months from now was an extremely important date for Lu Yun. If Qing Han truly viewed him as a friend, the young man would come.

But why do I feel kind of hollow…. The idea suddenly sent shudders down his spine and he promptly rebuffed himself with a reasonable justification. No, it’s not because of Qing Han, I only feel this way because Wanfeng left.

Qing Han is a man, what would I miss him for? Aiya, truth be told, I really do miss little Wanfeng. For some inexplicable reason, he felt a sense of loss at the maid’s departure.


Lu Yun spent another three days in Duskwater City. During that time, he personally filled the six vacant city lord positions with Mo Yi’s suggestions.

House Ba was now thoroughly in Mo Yi’s camp, the first cultivator faction under her command. The fortunate Ba Chuyi had also become a city lord.

She’d wrestled back real power in the city. In fact, the entire prefecture was under her control. She’d grown from a mere figurehead for Li Youcai to being the one dictating orders to the prefect.

It’d been her detached and indifferent nature that originally allowed Li Youcai to progressively nibble away at all of her authority. Having learned her lesson since then, thanks to Lu Yun’s reminder, she’d realized that one needed to be a true city lord in order to spend her days in peace.


Lu Yun traveled back to Dusk City with Ge Long and ninety-nine soldiers of the Dusk Phalanx. The local situation there had also gone through tremendous changes.

He’d extinguished House Ge’s primary forces in Duskwater City and labelled them as traitors of the major. Once word had traveled back of these developments, Houses Feng and Youxiong immediately joined hands to uproot what was left of House Ge from Dusk City, expelling them from the city once and for all.

After its destruction, House Ge’s properties were divided between Houses Feng and Youxiong.

Lu Yun was fully indifferent to this development. Now wasn’t the time to deal with these people. In five months, he would finally wield the province’s true power.


“Hmm?” When he returned to the governor’s manor with Ge Long, he discovered that some people had moved into what should’ve been an empty house.

“Something’s off.” Before he could consider the issue in detail, someone barred his way at the door.

“Who goes there? Who dares trespass in the governor’s manor?” It was a group of cultivators dressed as servants. There were even nascent spirit cultivators among them, a level that would make them a powerhouse in Dusk Province.

“Are you from the Lu Clan?” Lu Yun asked frostily while his expression darkened.

“Get lost,” the man snapped, his cold voice dripping with obvious scorn.

“Heh heh heh, the Lu Clan truly doesn’t know good from bad.” Lu Yun burst into uproarious laughter.