Chapter 509 - Kiss Her Not Only Once But Nonstop (1/2)

Days passed swiftly. It had become a routine for Rui and Cali to go to school together and come back home together. Rui made sure he would not miss a single moment of being with her, he wanted her to get used to his presence.

It was a holiday that day, so Cali and Rui did not have school. The two of them just stayed inside the house since they had to go out the next day for a picnic with Kane and Ruth.

”Do you find Ruth pretty? Isn't she a little too skinny?” Cali nonchalantly commented while she was having breakfast with Rui.

”She's a model Cali, so it's only obvious that she looks slimmer than girls normally are.” Rui answered.

Cali pouted her lips. She was not satisfied with Rui's answer.

”I see. Men have different preferences. Do you think it's better to have a slim body? Don't men usually prefer girls with, you know, bigger butts and b.o.o.b.s?”

Rui almost choked on his food when he heard those questions from Cali.

”Well, I'm just curious. Kane likes girls who are in my category… Maybe others like slim ones like Ruth.”

Amused, Rui looked at her with a grin and asked, ”And what exactly is your category, Cali?”

”Well, obviously I'm not slim, but I have perfect curves. You know, a fuller figure rather than the skinny one like Ruth.” Cali proudly announced.

She had nice b.o.o.b.s, not too small and not too big, but just the right size for her height and body. She also had a nice butt which meant every kind of outfit fit her perfectly.

Looking up, she met Rui's eyes and boasted, ”Why are you laughing? Hey, even a manager for a well-known entertainment company approached me and said he wanted to scout me as the agency's newly discovered talent.''

Rui tried his best to control his laughter. He sensed why Cali was asking those questions and the reason immensely pleased him.

”Hmmm, if you ask me about my preference, I like a woman who will care for me and just stay by my side. Someone who's kind, generous, loving, sweet and thoughtful will do.” he answered with his adorable smile.

Cali twitched her mouth and complained, ”Those are all personality attributes. I'm talking about their physical appearance.”

”Oh, well, in that case someone who looks something like you will do…” Rui answered in a jest. He had that teasing grin on his face.

Cali's cheeks flushed as she mumbled, ”Geez, I can't even talk to you seriously. By the way, I want to cook lunch later today.”

”Wow, really?” Rui suddenly burst out because it had been really long since he tasted Cali's cooking and he missed it so bad.

Cali yawned and uttered, ”Yeah, but I will not help you clean the house today.” She was still sleepy and not in the mood to do some chores right now. Rui woke her up for the routine exercises and breakfast, but the bed was pulling her back.

Rui noticed her yawning, and he said, ”Alright go sleep a little more and I will take care of everything.”

Cali smiled brightly and hummed, ”Don't worry, I will help you when I wake up. I'll just nap for an hour at most. Then I can help you.”