Chapter 476 - The Best Father (1/2)
At Lim Villa
”What's with your walnut skin face?” Grandma Terry commented, noticing how crumpled Rizie's face was ever since she and Dion arrived at the villa. Every weekend, Rizie and Dion would stay there with them until Sunday.
”Grandma, Dion is suffocating me!” Rizie burst with rounded eyes that made grandma Terry chuckle.
”Dear, your wedding ceremony is nearing so don't quarrel with your husband now. Just try to understand him a little. You're carrying his baby so it's natural that he's protective towards you,” Grandma Terry commented because she observed how Dion always made sure that Rizie was being taken care of.
”Grandma I understand him, of course I do, just that he's simply overreacting already. You know he doesn't allow me to even visit any place I want to, unless he's with me! Grandma, I'm already in my second trimester and how much more months before I can do things on my own? My pregnancy is not that sensitive, unlike others.
Look at sis Yera? Bro Xander lets her do what she wants to, and she also goes out whenever she wants, even alone sometimes. Do you know how boring it is to stay at Han's ancestral mansion? Oh, goodness… It's so big for just the two of us to live there!” Rizie continued to complain and grandma Terry laughed once more.
Rizie was not this emotional before, but probably due to her pregnancy, she was easily irritated with her husband's protectiveness.
While Rizie was busy complaining, Dion entered the house and saw his wife's crumpled face while she talked to grandma Terry in the living room. He sighed deeply before curving his lips into a wide smile. He understood Rizie's change in behavior, and lately he was always the victim of her irrational mood swings.
Dion wrapped his arms on Rizie's neck from behind and said, ”Grandma… I bet Rizie is again complaining to you about me.”
Grandma Terry laughed and nodded. Dion kissed Rizie's cheek and whispered, ”I'm sure our baby will look like me for sure since your eyes are only seeing your poor husband almost all day. Stop being grumpy and get up, let's take a small walk outside love. Let's see the beauty of the villa. Josh has made a lot of renovations in the villa.”
”Speaking of Josh? How come I don't see him and Shane often? Since we arrived, I haven't seen them yet?” Rizie asked.
Grandma Terry shook her head and mumbled, ”Those two are always inside their room or out staying at the resort… I guess they want to give your baby a playmate soon.”
”Oh, yeah. They are in their honeymoon phase right now and Josh definitely deserves this time alone with his wife and need to give her a lot of love...” Dion commented and pulled Rizie out from her chair. He held her hand and turned to grandma Terry before leaving, ”Grandma, I'll just walk Rizie out to unwind.”
Grandma Terry laughed and nodded. ”Go and enjoy the fresh air outside…”
Dion put his arm on Rizie's shoulders as they walked outside. ”This place is really nice…” Dion commented seeing all the greenery and the scenic beauty that surrounded the area.
”Do you want to stay here with your family up to our wedding ceremony? I can feel that you're getting tired of my presence.” Dion mumbled in a sullen tone that made Rizie suddenly feel uneasy.
She herself could not understand how grumpy she was often to Dion and at that point she felt so guilty, so she stopped walking to look at him.
”It's not like that. I just want a little more freedom, Dion. You see, I'm not that dumb. I can take care of myself and my baby. I know my limitations well, so I hope you won't be exaggerated in taking care of me. Like simple washing of dishes? Really? Will that harm me and the baby?” Rizie pinpointed with nuzzled lips.