Chapter 211 – Stepping Up (1/2)

Chapter 211- Stepping Up

“Shameless shenanigans!” Yue Tieniu’s face became pale.

All the other newcomers did not want to take the bull’s side but did so nevertheless as they wished expressed their frustration.

“Are you just making new rules as you go along!?”

“How is this fair?”

They screamed and shouted

Feng Shan took a deep breath and shouted with thundering volume, “fair!? You kids are naive, didn’t you all know fairness is build on a winner’s bloody knuckles? Hahaha!” his laughter drown out the crowd.

“Enough talking! You are talking meaningless gibberish!” Yue Tieniu felt tricked he was tricked into an unfavorables fight, screamed furiously. “I will fight you and make you feel like a newbie!”

“Screw you!” Yue Tieniu cursed loudly as he channeled his Qi. The runes in his muscles flowed quickly, triggering an explosive strength.

He stomped the ground and launched himself into the air and, with his momentum amplified by the body strengthening stance, flew towards Feng Shan like a humongous cannon ball.

“Hm!” Feng Shan coldly glared down at the rampaging bull, calmly opening his hand to condense his fire red Qi onto his fingertips. His energy immediately morphed into flaming runes, dancing in his palm before it shrunk into a globe.

‘Low-level Earth stance, Sun Shock Palm!’

Feng Shan extended both his arms as he glided down towards the young giant.


A harsh red light bloomed on his palms, falling onto Yue Tieniu like a blazing sun. The bull immediately lost balance upon contact, sent hurtling to the ground like a comet.


The impact shook not just the entire square but also the initiates into awe as a man-shaped crater appeared in the middle of the ring. Yue Tieniu’s body strengthening stance made him plow through solid ground easily like a piece of hot red metal through a block of lard.

It all happened in a few seconds and not a sound was made by anyone at the square. All the initiates were in shock as they witnessed the best of them being knocked out by Feng Shan with just one blow.

“Well fought. My name is Feng Shan by the way. It’s a bit rude that you didn’t greet me before the duel even though it didn’t last long!” Feng Shan flattened his lips, staring at the small pit that he just made, and chuckled disdainfully.

“If he was a veteran with the same cultivation level and the same strengthening stance, he would have lasted at least three blows. Sloppy and inexperienced! This newbie king did not do his training justice at all!” He continued talking in a disdainful tone, casting his cold gaze upon their shocked faces.

“All of you should learn from this! We do not tolerate newbies with a stinking attitude and arrogance akin to him!”

The initiates’ vengeful looks turned depressed, their furious eyes softening as they lowered their heads. Feng Shan’s stunt stabbed their self-esteem, and they were forced to accept what happened as the strongest of them had already fought and lost in their minds.

The scar-faced youngster grunted then started a little speech. “We don’t care how your hometown once treated you like treasure! The world is bigger than you knew it was, and you are here as a newbie in Helian City now! This means you are going to respect and obey!”

He continued as the initiates’ heads bent lower, wishing to brand the message into their heads while their memory of his powerful strike was still fresh. “When you get told to do something, do it! Or else you are just looking for trouble!”

“Kneel down! And repeat the palace’s rules after me! Don’t even think about standing up before I tell you we are done!” Feng Shan spaced a laugh between his act, assuming a despotic stance while speaking in an excessively harsh tone.

The whole square of initiates froze, none of them were good at taking orders, especially orders coming from a youngster at their age. They were all celebrated talents in their region, and all of them had struggled to became who they were today.

Most of them were here to focus on cultivation and felt the oppressive policies were unnecessary, even excessive. They were itching to stand up and express their resistance and pride within.

A figure furiously shot up from the crowd, his childish face looking not a day older than sixteen. “Who do you think you are? Just because you have been living here a few more years than I have doesn’t mean you own me! My father is the leader of the Hongdo Commandery, he will hear about this! I am walking out, who’s with me!?”

Encouraged by the son of someone influential speaking up, a few more initiates stood up. They glared at Feng Shan and Baili Hengtian as they spoke their minds.

“Don’t overstep the line!”

“We might not be as strong as you, but there are only two of you! You don’t want to corner us, trust me!”

Ye Wei remained quiet, spectating from the sideline. He wondered if the conflict between the new and the old had always caused this much tension; wondered if the induction routine had ever ended in bloodshed.