Chapter 192 – Helian (1/2)
Chapter 192 - Helian
The hand belonged to an elderly man dressed in a purple robe. He was three steps away from Ye Wei. His hair was shoulder-length; his white beard was as long as his arm. The skinny old man greeted Ye Wei with a friendly smile and a nod.
Just like Ye Wei, the old man had no Qi presence. His grip was firm, but his figure seemed weightless.
Ye Wei’s heart sank, and his pupils dilated, ‘this is madness!’ Although clueless about the old man’s cultivation level, everything he could see indicated that the bearded man would have killed him without even Ye Wei knowing of it. If that was his intention all along.
‘He is stronger than even Master Yi!’
“Excuse my forwardness, but may I ask who you are?” Ye Wei rightfully assumed the old man was friendly. The old man solemnly kneeled down and spoke.
“Hahaha! I like your humbleness, Ye Wei.” The old man stroked his beard and said, “I am Helian Jieyuan. I have been watching you since you dove down into that pond and found the Drakehead. I am impressed by how quick you learned to control the Supreme blood in your veins!”
“Huh!?” Ye Wei startled. He couldn’t believe what he just heard. ‘Sir, do you happen to be related to Green Moon City’s Ye family?!’
Judging by how well the old man’s stealthiness and knowledge was, Ye Wei knew he was standing next to a man stronger than any wild beast or demon he had encountered in the wilderness of North Barren Mountain so far.
Helian Jieyuan’s curious gaze fell upon the jade trinket in Ye Wei’s hand. Seeing him trying to teleport was the reason why he decided reveal himself. “So you are it! You live on the feisty side but you seem to live by a principal! Not bad!”
By now Ye Wei had understood that if the old man stood in front of him. he was probably related to the Glacial Emperor, ‘if the old man wanted me dead, I would already be dead.’
“Sir, could I help you with anything?” Ye Wei bowed.
“I am from one of the royal families if you have not yet worked that out. We are currently recruiting cultivators from all across the dynasty. The officials are more interested in fighting each other than eradicating wild beasts and demons nowadays. Thus, we’ve decided to take the matter into our own hands.” Helian Jieyuan’s smile never faded. His look was as soft as his voice.
“Royal?” Ye Wei murmured to himself, feeling nostalgic as he thought about his old crush who was also from one of the three families.
“You heard right. With your level of talent, I wouldn’t be surprised if you get recruited by any one of the three royal families. We might not be as influential, but I can promise you we treat our cultivators better than the other two families” Helian Jieyuan said with pride. “What I want in return, is your permission for me to use the Drakehead. I meant to ask your patriarch but decided against it as the information might go public.I’d much rather have it peaceful as it is now.”
“I know for a fact that among the living no more than three people know about the Drakehead’s location,” the old man continued, “ I have been training here for more than ten years, and I still need a few more years until I will be able to breakthrough my current cultivation level.”
“In truth, I would really like you to keep this place a secret. In return, I will watch over the underwater palace!” Helian Jieyuan gravely said. His look suddenly intensified. “I would never go there out of respect for valuables left in the palace. They are treasures that should only be inherited by whom who has the Ye’s blood flowing in their veins!”
Ye Wei widened his eyes again; he was surprised by this great offer. He couldn’tt think of any downsides at all.
“Okay you got me, who am I lying to?” The old man chuckled and said, “I will watch over your family even if you don’t join us. For old time’s sake.”
After having calmed down, Ye Wei reasoned with himself. First he was scared; then he was happy and relieved. ‘A person like him has no reason to lie!’
“We would like you to join us; we don't have many rules for non familial members. Of course, call of duty must be answered. In return, we will provide members with resources and protection.” Helian Jieyuan was not trying to lure Ye Wei into becoming a member. He just wanted to show the real world to the Glacial Emperor’s inheritor.
“This will get me closer to her.” Ye Wei mumbled. His mind wandered, and his eyes glowed bright. It had been his dream to get out of Green Moon City, and when he became strong enough to visit the capital since the day Li Ziyan left him.
Ye Wei did not need to think for long. He kneeled down and bowed, “thank you for giving me the chance. I would like to join the Helian family!”
“Haha! Good! That’s great news!” The old man’s laugh was playful. It sounded as if it came from someone half his age, “with the talent you have, you will see greatness in a few years and maybe even achieve it if you cultivate hard! One more thing, you will be up for a review that decides if you are qualified enough to gain the privileges of a familial member.”
“I will not let you down!” Ye Wei nodded.
“I don’t have the most catchy name, but I need you to remember it. Within two years, when you feel comfortable, you should head to our palace at the capital. Show the guards this sigil plate and tell them I sent you there.” The old man kept babbling.