Chapter 72 – Green veil (1/2)

Chapter 72 – Green veil

There was no way out. Every path of escape was blocked off by the stone puppets and Song Gui.

“I guess there is no other way…” Ye Wei was not pleased. Although he was given five scrolls in total, each of them were worth way more than he was comfortable spending. Using the scroll would not secure Welkin Leaves for his cousin, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

With attacks approaching from every direction, he didn’t have a choice. Therefore, he tore the green scroll. There was no way he could last long if he used a defensive scroll. Being able to take a few more hits would not have put him in a better situation.

As the offensive Myst stance was released, the scroll that was worth more than one hundred thousand silver turned into just a useless scrap of silk.

“So this is what it feels like to be powerful?” Ye Wei felt refreshed to have complete control over so much energy. He was astonished and slowly started to understand why people would pay so much for these scrolls so much that it hurt his heart.

The runes written in demon blood came alive and floated in the air. They became a rune sequence and started to intertwine assembling into a ring of flame that eventually settled on the ground. The ring of fire brightened and encircled Ye Wei. Some of the people who were close to him could see the bright red light leaking from between the puppets.

Although not his own power, Ye Wei was in full control of the Singeing Ground stance, and it only took him a gaze to guide the flame towards the brown puppets. The flame created a mirage as it approached the puppets in a spinning motion as their fists closed in on Yei Wei. With five loud rumbling noises, the force shattered them into rubble, and the heat energy set them aflame.

However, the flame did not stop growing. It followed Ye Wei’s point of vision to two hundred other brown puppets reducing them to rubble.

“How can this be? Who’s Myst stance is that?” The crowd was shocked by the ferocious attack and their eyes followed the trail of fire to Ye Wei’s location.

“Did he just use a medium-grade scroll?”

While the crowd was still surprised and stunned by the powerful stance, they notice a loud rumbling noise. As the flame died down the silver and golden puppets opened their eyes, and beams of red light shone brightly from their eyes.

“Oh no!”

With a speed far superior to the brown puppets, the silver and golden ones immediately rushed towards the cultivators like a pack of rampaging bulls. “I think the Qi disturbance from the kid’s Myst stance just woke them up…” Hong Xun’s face turn pale as the three strongest cultivators still had not worked out an answer for these stronger puppets.

The puppets’ fists fell from high up in the air, akin to a rain of meteors. Although the cultivators have been dodging and dancing through the brown puppets’ attacks, the silver and golden ones’ awakening was unexpected. They didn’t anticipate the stronger puppets’ swiftness to be so different than the brown ones.

In a panic, more than fifty Warriors lost their lives. Some to the crushing fists while others were stomped to death either by horrified comrades or the puppets.

Hong, Luo, and Xue knew that if the panic persisted then all of the cultivators would fall sooner or later, and that would be the end of their expedition. Although they didn’t have full knowledge about what the puppets could do, they couldn’t wait any longer.

“This is it. It’s now or never…” Hong Xun took the initiative and glided down. “Everybody listen! Be calm and stick together! Watch each other’s backs if you want to live!”