Chapter 58 – Sorry (1/2)

Chapter 58 – Sorry

The fearsome wave of energy came crashing into Ye Wei, and he was knocked flying before he could react and defend himself although the result would have been the same. He was shocked by the impact and the next thing he knew, he was on the ground feeling like his organs were all twisted together.

Ye Wei quickly got up and swallowed a pill. He sat in a lotus position and adjusted his disturbed Qi flow.

‘What is happening? I don’t understand!’ Ye Wei was increasingly confused by Lin Zi Yan, who was sitting still with closed eyes.

Under great pain, Lin Zi Yan’s lovely facial features were all squeezed together. Ye Wei had never seen Zi Yan looking like this. He could not help but empathize with her as she was going through this agonizing experience.

Just as Ye Wei started breathing normally again, the whirl of runes contracted. They touched Lin Zi Yan’s skin and disappeared altogether, and the Qi waves vanished instantaneously as well.

While Ye Wei was relieved, Lin Zi Yan did not look like she was suffering any less. A small amount of blood leaked out of her mouth and slid down her pale chin. She then lost balance and fell over.

Lin Zi Yan’s fall did not go unnoticed by Ye Wei. He immediately stood up and ran over to hold her tightly as she fell.

Lin Zi Yan had no strength left in her body, and she struggled just to open her eyes. Her brain registered the familiar face then she asked in a low whispering voice, “Ye Wei why are you here? Am I dreaming?” Zi Yan was barely conscious and weakening as she spoke.

Ye Wei grabbed her arm and tried to feel her pulse. He realized it was weak, and it felt like it would stop at any second. ‘What should I do now?’

While feeling Lin Zi Yan’s pulse, Ye Wei noticed there was a fading marking on each of her wrists that resembled a runic seal. They were only one shade darker than her skin was and were hard to notice unless observed closely.

Ye Wei was trying to work out whether these marks had anything to do with what just happened to Lin Zi Yan while he carried her to lay on the little bed to the side.

Ye Wei was close enough to smell the sweat on Lin Zi Yan’s drenched silk gown; it was sticking onto her body, and he couldn’t help but trace the outline of her body with his eyes. From her perky breasts to her flat, smooth stomach and all the way down her toned legs, every inch of her skin was driving Ye Wei crazy, but he had much more serious matter to deal with, and he knew it.

He took out a meridian nourishing Jade Moistener pill and fed it to Lin Zi Yan. It was not a valuable concoction, but Ye Wei knew from his experience that this common pill was exactly what she needed at the moment.

“Water…” Lin Zi Yan mumbled, having sweated for hours she was extremely dehydrated.

Ye Wei went downstairs and started a fire for the kettle then returned to pour a glass of lukewarm water slowly down Lin Zi Yan’s throat.

Afraid that Zi Yan might catch a cold, Ye Wei channeled his Qi around his arms to warm Lin Zi Yan up and evaporate the sweat covering her gown. After a minute, her body was warm again and covered by a dry and therefore less revealing gown.

After Ye Wei warmed Lin Zi Yan up, he checked her breathing and her pulse. Luckily she appeared to have stabilized but was still very weak.