Chapter 46 – One Point Six Million (1/2)
Chapter 46 – One Point Six Million
Master Yi swung his arm hard and fast. A heavy slam landed on Du Yuan Ming’s cheek and sent him flying. The patriarch then landed heavily on the ground.
Three teeth were knocked out of his mouth when he was hit; his mouth was leaking blood and his cheek was swollen to the size of a mandarin. Du Yuan Ming was shaking, but that did not stop him trying to negotiate for his family members’ lives. “Mashter Yea thish ish not phare!” It was a chilling scene. Just moments ago he was the bully, and now the Du Patriarch was a convincing victim.
Another swing, this time on the other cheek. The patriarch took flight once again after a loud clap resounded.
“Argoh aoh Ii…” His speech was no longer audible, nor was his face recognisable as it covered in tears, snot, and blood.
Zhou Wu could see Master Yi was about to lose his temper and deliver the killing blow so he threw himself in front of Du Yuan Ming and begged, “Master Yi! Please show us mercy?! Please give us a reason!”
“Why don’t I show you mercy? The real question is why didn’t you show mercy?” Master Yi answered calmly. He flicked his sleeve at Zhou Wu, and knocked him to the ground where he belonged.
He would not reason with the unreasonable.
Zhou Wu refused to stay on the floor waiting to be slaughtered. He climbed back up and kneeled towards Master Yi again while both Du Yuan Ming and Dong Ho were rolling on the ground, dazed and confused.
“Master Yi, please listen to me!” It was hard to tell what emotions Zhou Wu was experiencing from his facial expression considering how swollen he was. His trembling voice, though, gave it away.
“You have ten seconds, use it well.” Master Yi had complete control over life and death for the moment.
Zhou Wu was just blowing air more than he spoke. “Killing us won’t benefit you or the Ye family! We understand our wrongdoings, and we will do anything to help out the Ye family if you let us live. We have learned our lesson! Furthermore, ending our lives here will anger other branches of the Du family, and cause more bloodshed and hatred. It would not be worth the hassle!”
Master Yi raised an eyebrow, and it took him a few seconds to register the logic coming out of Zhou Wu’s comedically swollen face.
Zhou Wu felt that his speech hit the right note therefore he continued: “We promise, if you let us leave this arena alive, we will never bother the Ye family again. We will help and protect them whenever they need us!”
Master Yi was waiting for a declaration like that. He still looked cold, but it was all an act. He knew being ruthless wouldn’t help the situation, and he did not plan to kill anybody, not today, not any other day. He did what he did because examples needed to be set, and words needed to spread: do not touch the Ye’s. He had experiences with hatred, revenge, and their consequences.
The Runemaster then looked to Ye Zheng Qing, “Patriarch, what do you think?”
Ye Patriarch glared hatefully at Du Yuan Ming, who would need months to recover from the injuries the Runemaster inflicted and said, “It’s up to you Master Yi.”
“If you want satisfaction, I have no problems killing these guys for you, but consider the consequences!” Master Yi said solemnly. He kept his act up as he wanted Ye Zheng Qing to come to the right conclusion by himself.
“Well, looks like they’ve learned their lesson. I will let this go!” The patriarch replied after a long sigh. Though he was glad his family got through this crisis and realised revenge doesn’t solve anything, but he was still heartbroken for Ye Zhong’s sufferings.
‘They better pray for cousin Zhong, If he doesn’t wake up I will still make them pay!’ Ye Wei clenched his fists. He understood and respected his grandfather’s noble decision, though still clouded by anger he was ready to let it go for now and focus on reviving Ye Zhong.