529 Astronomical Numbers! (1/2)

A single glance was enough to determine that these few thousand people in the hall below possessed a great amount of strength when combined together. In fact, these people could even surpass the Three Holy Lands in their power as long as they could work together!

Individuals at the levels of Great Master Level and above were surely very tyrannical and resistant. But, they too were mortals at the end of the day. Therefore, they were also susceptible to exhaustion. And, this meant that even such individuals could be killed once they had been rendered physically powerless. The Three Holy Lands certainly possessed insane firepower. However, these families could take-on even the strongest of them in case they were to come together and co-operate with sincerity.

However, their relationships with each other were very complicated. And, this had given Venerable Mei a horrible headache. After all, very few people are capable of letting-go of such grievances and grudges. It could be said that a majority of these families were stuck deep in a swamp of grudges. And, it was next-to-impossible to pull them out of it.

[Some of these people are carrying forward grudges from incidents that had happened a hundred year ago… Shouldn't someone have come up and said… Hang on, this is only an auction… Let's not grind each other over such an insignificant affair…]

[Don't they ever get tired… Some of them are holding onto grievances that are four-or-five-hundred years old. Damn it… Even the people who had started these fights have turned to dust by now. But, these people are still arguing over nonsensical things!] Mei Xue Yan was unable to comprehend this.

However, these fights were also a source of abundant valuable information. And, that's why the anxious Mei Xue Yan was also urging Guan Qing Han and Dugu Xaio Yi to speed-up the work.

Guan Qing Han and Dugu Xiao Yi had been rendered speechless and confused… Their wrists were tired, and their fingers had gone numb long ago. However, they would be able to get back to work as long as Mei Xue Yan would provide them with her Primal Qi. And, that's because her Primal Qi would heal their physical exhaustion… But, Mei Xue Yan couldn't do anything about the mental exhaustion…

These Dugu and Guan girls were prideful women who possessed an extremely high social ranking. The elder members of their family had always loved and pampered them. However, they had been confronted with certain special characteristics of Mei Xue Yan's at this moment; such as — Mei Xue Yan was ordering these two women in an arrogant and bossy manner! Moreover, her entire body was emitting such a tyrannical attitude that these two women weren't able to refute her commands in any way. Therefore, they had been left with no option but to submit to her.

And, Dugu Xiao Yi and Guan Qing Han had been struck dumb by this.

It must be mentioned that the two women were accustomed to being around men of character and authority. They had even met the Emperor of the Tian Xiang Empire a few times. They had also met countless ministers of the empire. Even the bold and powerful people such as Dugu Zong Heng and Dugu Wu Di were a common sight for them. And, they were no strangers to brave and battle-worn generals such as Jun Zhan Tian and Jun Wu Yi. However, even such men had never been able to put these two women under such pressure.

[How is this feeble woman Mei Xue Yan able to keep us under her control in this manner?]

The two women felt as if the Emperor's controlling powers didn't match up to Mei Xue Yan's. [What are the origins of this Big Sister Mei? How does she possess such a mannerisms?]

The two women bore these suspicions in their heart. However, their hands continued to write incessantly! In fact, they continued to work without a halt despite being mentally exhausted! However, Mei Xue Yan wasn't the only reason for this! The real reason was related to their sweetheart — Jun Mo Xie. After all, this work was highly important for him. Therefore, they had to press-on with the work no matter how tired they were.

It must be mentioned that Mei Xue Yan was a lord to the millions and millions of Xuan Beasts in the Tian Fa Forest. And, Mei Xue Yan's naturally commanding mannerism was a result of that. She could be normal around the leaders of the Three Holy Lands if she were to come face-to-face with them. In fact, she could even curse out them in case she felt the need to do so. She would neither submit to humiliation, nor would she bend down in front of them!

She had been a long-standing leader to an entire race which looked down upon the entirety of humanity. So, how could the monarch of a small country match up to her? In fact, the difference was as huge as that between the heaven and the earth!

It was lunch time at last…

Jun Mo Xie lowered his voice on the stage, and relaxed. His throat had started to fume by now. He was exhausted, but his excitement-level was still at its heights! No kidding! Anyone who'd make this much gold in one morning would surely end-up being in a more excited state of mind than Jun Mo Xie was!

In fact, most people would've likely gotten a heart stroke or a brain hemorrhage out of excitement!

Only twelve rounds of the auction had happened thus far. The fourth round had ended at eight-hundred-thousand. And, fifth round had reached eight-hundred-and-fifty-thousand. However, the sixth round had turned into a fierce one. Therefore, the sale-price had suddenly shot up to touch upon the mark of a million! And, the auction had continued further in the same way! In fact, the twelfth round had reached 1.2 million!

Consequently, Jun Mo Xie had managed to collect a massive sum of over ten million for those twelve bottles of Bone Tempering Pills!

Moreover, this was over ten-million in gold!

The seven brothers of the Dugu Family had once fallen for the Young Master's trick. And, they had landed their family in a massive debt of ninety-million silver as a result. However, this debt was so astonishing for the Dugu Family that they had nearly drowned in it. But, it must be noted that this astonishing amount would only convert to nine-hundred-thousand in gold. And, this nine-hundred-thousand in gold was sufficient to finance the military expenditures of Tian Xiang Empire's army for three years even though this army was ranked to be the number-one in the continent!

If ten-million has to be converted to modern-day Chinese Yuans — one tael is equal to fifty grams. So, one gram equals to three-hundred modern-day Chinese Yuans. Therefore, one tael would be fifteen-thousand Yuans… And, ten-million would be around… 150 billion by that count!! What kind of an astronomical number is this?!
