460 Not One Will Get Away With It! (1/2)
Mei Gao Jie burst into tears. He felt too ashamed to show his face to Jun Mo Xie's sharp and disdainful glare.
These were the disciples he had spent his blood and effort on. These were his Empire's brightest of the brightest. He was proud of them, and he had cultivated them to become the Empire's pillars. But, their conduct was no different than that of corrupt officials. However, were they any different from a termite that was eating into the country's woodwork?
Mei Gao Jie was in a daze; he didn't speak-up.
”Mei Gao Jie, you've spent your life's hard labor in training those disciples. You had proudly thought that they were the country's brightest. In fact, this is only a small part of them. After all, you've lead the Wen Xing Heavenly Literature Institute for decades. How many of such disciples did you teach over that time period? Mei Gao Jie, you've always stood at the peak of righteous morality, but you've never known the filth that thrives in the world beneath you. Yet, you accuse me of bringing about the destruction of Tian Xiang! But, why don't you open your eyes and see who has been bringing destruction to Tian Xiang?
”The destruction that you'll bring to this nation will be far greater than what I would. In fact, it's several thousand times! Ten-twenty-thousand times! So, let me ask you Mei Gao Jie — what qualifications do you have to criticize me? You say that I may cause a rebellion. But, where do you think I will get the military strength for it from? They will rise amidst the victims of your disciples' bad governance! Therefore, I can say that Mei Gao Jie will become my greatest co-conspirator, my greatest helper, and the strangest secret accomplice in case I were to revolt! Do you agree with what I'm saying — the great and wise Mei?!”
Jun Mo Xie chuckled, ”Don't say you didn't know. I thought that we were different people. But, no! We're the same! But, who doesn't like to claim that they are clean?! After all, every raven sees calls itself clean when it sees a crow! But, they're the same! Isn't it?”
Mei Gao Jie staggered back. His previously calm appearance had vanished by now. And, his complexion had turned ashen instead…
”Mei Gao Jie… Master Mei is a very wise man! You keep repeating that you've cultivated bright minds to act as pillars for the Empire. In fact, you've been saying it for decades! But, did you see what you've cultivated? They're nothing more than termites that will bring the nation to disaster! Hahaha… it's so very laughable! Do you see where you live? How are you different from a beggar? But, do your clean hands cancel out your crimes? No! Your crimes are innumerable! You had said that I would bring disaster to the land, right old man? Pardon me, but I can't even find an adjective to describe the amazing work you've done for the Empire!” Jun Mo Xie's words became increasingly sharp.
Young Master Jun's true goal had finally been exposed at this moment…
Jun Mo Xie's main aim was to deal with those great hypocrites. But, Jun Mo Xie's investigations had only been the tip of the ice-berg. After all, the Wen Xing Institute's filth had been entrenched very deeply inside the Tian Xiang Empire.
Moreover, these men had a lot of power in their hands. Only a few of them were in higher ministries. But, they could still bring about great damage.
However, Jun Mo Xie wasn't a heroic person. So, he wouldn't have dealt with these people if they hadn't offended him. He would only have dealt with these injustices if he had encountered them…
However, the scholars had become a pain for Jun Mo Xie the moment they had led the masses to attack him. And hence, Jun Mo Xie had taken the steps to first remove those human filths!
He could even kill ten-thousand men if they dared to block his way. In fact, he would even kill a hundred-thousand if they stood in his path! Jun Mo Xie wouldn't even think twice about killing over a hundred-thousand people like these ones!
[I'm an assassin, but I believe in good things! I don't seek justice, but I will act with fairness!]
[No matter who it is… I'll be fair!]
[Not for the world! Not for Law! But, for myself!]
This was part of Jun Mo Xie's belief.
”Master Mei… have you ever calculated the amount of losses you've caused the Empire? Do you think I wanted to insult you when I belittled your disciples in the scholarly retreat? I only shut their mouths to reprimand you into waking up. I had hoped that you'd get back on the right path! But, it's a pity that you've stubbornly followed the wrong one instead. And, you've kept repeating those words 'all for the sake of Tian Xiang'. So, tell me now… How will you face your sins? How will you redeem yourself of them?” Jun Mo Xie's voice was somewhat sinister.
”I had previously allowed your students to insult their teachers. After all, I wanted to show that they'd betray their own teachers! You should be thankful to me, and grateful to me! In fact, you should worship me! But, I want to see how a dignified hypocrite like you can have any standing in society after you've been exposed!”
Jun Mo Xie maliciously spoke his thoughts.
”Redeem my sins?” Mei Gao Jie's blurred vision became clear as he grasped the last straw which would save him, ”Can I truly redeem my grave sins?”
”Some sins can't be redeemed. But, we can still remedy some of them. And, I'm sure that Master Mei can lessen those sins if he strives!” Jun Mo Xie sounded like the 'Wolf' who was trying to entice 'Little Red Riding Hood' as he carefully spoke these words of guidance.